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Feature Request: Explore being able to export the image as a .png with a transparent background
#1 opened by Xantomen - 0
Educate people on using my Print Button (deactivate the trigger on Enter too), and then unchecking Footers and Headers, activating Background Colors (or else they won't see the Lines)
#50 opened by Xantomen - 1
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To consider: Make the Players Icon a multiple choice panel, instead of using the Dropdown Menu allocated for that task atm.
#41 opened by Xantomen - 1
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- 0
Playstation4 Shoulder and Trigger Buttons not clearly distinguised (when a Line goes to them)
#48 opened by Xantomen - 0
Input Text fields aren't limited to screen size (they continue even after filling all up)
#47 opened by Xantomen - 1
Vertical alignment of Checkbox for Print Template Author Name and label is off
#31 opened by Xantomen - 2
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Add Keyboard and Mouse Layouts, and ability to change between QWERTY and QWERTZ (more in the future)
#46 opened by Xantomen - 0
#45 opened by increpare - 3
To Consider: When clicking on a button, directly activate one label to write on
#40 opened by Xantomen - 0
Add an X symbol in the middle of the Drawn Lines that, when clicked, deletes the Line
#43 opened by Xantomen - 3
To consider: When changing a button from one label box to another, carry the text with it
#42 opened by Xantomen - 2
Detected issue with lines appearing in incorrect place when printing. Solved it in the past. Reappearing bug.
#39 opened by Xantomen - 0
Contact button. Ability to send an email to me if you are the creator of a game whose controls have been taken
#36 opened by Xantomen - 1
Think about overwriting templates. How it should work. Should I just allow people who registered to Save and Modify their own Controllers? Should I make it open so anyone registered can change all controllers? Voting system?
#37 opened by Xantomen - 2
Register / Login (Auth) System, so people can access and edit their made Templates
#27 opened by Xantomen - 1
Change the look of the anchor mechanism
#14 opened by Xantomen - 5
Number of players possibility to hide the icon. Also, restrict it to numbers, and make it scale with longer strings. Also, doesn't align well when smaller screen and Input in Min and Max isn't limited to Numbers.
#19 opened by Xantomen - 0
Now that I have Single Player, Multiplayer, etc, I need to add that to the DB, plus adequately loading it.
#34 opened by Xantomen - 1
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Add new Icon Credits to About section
#35 opened by Xantomen - 0
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Discussion: Keeping the "Made with Games Input Schemer" or not, as a tool diffusion strategy
#21 opened by Xantomen - 0
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Look & Feel: When a Color Scheme is selected and you choose a different Controller, the Controller doesn't change to the new Controller color
#12 opened by Xantomen - 1
Add Line wrapping or width expansion in Dropdown Menus based on the inputs inside (Ex: Search Options doesn't scale with your input amount)
#29 opened by Xantomen - 2
Reorganize Menu Panels, as right now there is too many in one horizontal and they disapear on smaller pages
#33 opened by Xantomen - 0
Add Permanent URL of Saved Template to the Save Success Dialog and browser URL.
#26 opened by Xantomen - 3
Security: Sanitise Inputs
#9 opened by Xantomen - 1
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User shouldn't be able to overwrite/create Game Templates that have the same Game Title and Controller Chosen as an already existing template in the DB. Consider: Should I handle this on my own, by adding a versioning id on the server side? (Ex: Best Game Ever_2)
#25 opened by Xantomen - 0
Feature Request: A permalink to the template, something like :
#4 opened by Xantomen - 0
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Print Options: Give the ability to show or not the name of the Template Creator
#28 opened by Xantomen - 0
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Look & Feel: Make Dropdown panels vertically scrollable, instead of overflow:hidden
#11 opened by Xantomen - 0
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Inside of Analog Sticks should select the whole analog sticks, even if they are already white areas
#18 opened by Xantomen - 1
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Needed Feature: Make an About page to post Attributions for the SVG Models and the painting library used
#10 opened by Xantomen - 1
Exploration: Change the aspect of Lines overlap, or change the label system in a way that lines don't overlap. Also, ability to add more or less labels to each side.
#22 opened by Xantomen - 0
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Outline version of the controllers (no colored fill, just color stroke and white fill)
#13 opened by Xantomen - 0
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