
Concrete5 Helpers Suite

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ConcreteCMS Helpers Suite

Latest Version on Packagist Software License

Collection of useful helpers for ConcreteCMS

  • in_array_all Verify that all needles are in haystack array.
  • in_array_any Verify that at least one of needles is in haystack array.
  • strip_spaces Remove all spaces from the given string.
  • current_locale Get Current Page Locale.
  • current_language Get Current Page Language.
  • active_locale An Alias of \Localization::activeLocale().
  • active_language An Alias of \Localization::activeLanguage().
  • theme_path Get Site Theme Path
  • c5_date_format An Alias of \Concrete\Core\Localization\Service\Date::formatDate().
  • c5_date_format_custom An Alias of \Concrete\Core\Localization\Service\Date::formatCustom().
  • Xanweb\Helper\Page::getBlock and Xanweb\Helper\Page::getBlocks for fetching block(s) from page


Include library to your composer.json

composer require xanweb/c5-helpers

Usage of Xanweb\Helper\Page

    use Xanweb\Helper\Page as PageHelper;

    $ph = new PageHelper(
        $page, // Page Object
        ['Header', 'Footer'], // Optional argument to exclude some areas from fetching
        ['Main'] // Optional argument to include some areas in fetching
    // Get the first valid instance of required block
    $contentBlockController = $ph->getBlock(
        'content', // Block Type Handle 
        function (BlockController $bController) { // Optional callable to test for valid block
            return !empty($bController->getContent());

    // Get the first valid instances of required blocks
    $blocksControllers = $ph->getBlocks(
        ['image', 'content'], // Block Types Handle 
        function (BlockController $bController) { // Optional callable to test for valid block
            if ($bController instanceof \Concrete\Block\Image\Controller) {
                return is_object($this->getFileObject());

            if ($bController instanceof \Concrete\Block\Content\Controller) {
                return !empty($bController->getContent());

            return false;

     *  - $blocksControllers array is indexed by btHandle: ['image' => $bController, 'content' => $bController]
     *  - If no block is found $blocksControllers will be an empty array 