
Manage HTML head links to improve page load performance

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

ConcreteCMS WebLink

Latest Version on Packagist Software License

Manage HTML head links to improve page load performance


Include library to your composer.json

composer require xanweb/c5-web-link

Add the service provider and middleware to application/config/app.php

return [
    'providers' => [
        'xw_web_link' => '\Xanweb\C5\WebLink\ServiceProvider'

Make sure you are loading vendor autoload application/bootstrap/autoload.php


defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die('Access Denied.');

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Load all composer autoload items.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// If the checker class is already provided, likely we have been included in a separate composer project
if (!class_exists(\DoctrineXml\Checker::class)) {
    // Otherwise, lets try to load composer ourselves
    if (!@include(DIR_BASE_CORE . '/' . DIRNAME_VENDOR . '/autoload.php')) {
        echo 'Third party libraries not installed. Make sure that composer has required libraries in the concrete/ directory.';

if (file_exists(DIR_BASE . '/' . DIRNAME_VENDOR . '/autoload.php')) {
    include_once (DIR_BASE . '/' . DIRNAME_VENDOR . '/autoload.php');


    use \Fig\Link\Link;
    use \Fig\Link\Relations;

    // Example with Font Preload
    $link = (new Link(Relations::REL_PRELOAD, '/path/to/font.woff2'))
                ->withAttribute('as', 'font')
                ->withAttribute('type', 'font/woff2')
                ->withAttribute('crossorigin', 'anonymous');
