
A sample calculator app that uses Cerulean UI

Primary LanguageC#

Simple Calculator App


Written as a sample Cerulean UI app to demonstrate Layouts, Styles, Grids, Panels, Labels and Buttons.


  • .NET 6.0
  • Cerulean.CLI

Getting Started

Warning This section is subject to change once Cerulean UI 1.0 releases.

  1. Clone the repository and the submodules.
    git clone https://github.com/Xapier14/Calculator.git --recurse-submodules
  2. Change into the project directory and build using the CLI tool.
    cd Calculator
    crn build
  3. Run the CeruleanUI project.
    crn run

Layout Tree

  • MainLayout (Layout)
    • ResponsiveGrid (Grid [3x3])
      • BaseGrid (Grid [1x2])
        • DisplayPanel (Panel)
          • DisplayLabel (Label)
        • ButtonGrid (Grid [4x5])
          • OperationsGrid (Grid [4x1])
            • ButtonAddition (Button)
            • ButtonSubtraction (Button)
            • ButtonMultiplication (Button)
            • ButtonDivision (Button)
          • Button9 (Button)
          • Button8 (Button)
          • Button7 (Button)
          • Button6 (Button)
          • Button5 (Button)
          • Button4 (Button)
          • Button3 (Button)
          • Button2 (Button)
          • Button1 (Button)
          • Button0 (Button)
          • ButtonClear (Button)
          • ButtonEval (Button)
          • ButtonOpenParenthesis (Button)
          • ButtonCloseParenthesis (Button)
          • ButtonPeriod (Button)

ResponsiveGrid has a fixed column[1] width of 512 and a fixed row[1] height of 512.

BaseGrid has a fixed row[0] height of 64.

The buttons and grids (ButtonGrid, OperationsGrid) are anonymous components. These cannot be referenced from the backing code.