Greetings, if you're reading this!
I'm @XarusKX, I assume it's pretty obvious from the repo name haha
A lead software developer dabbling in leadership, resource management, web application, database design, and technical collaboration with third-party businesses. I'm also an avid reader, active writer, hobbyist gamer, and has a big crush on basically just creating something.
In my free time, when I'm not busy writing, gaming, or working, I like to dive into other subjects of studies, branching out into things that may or may not have any use to my career in IT or my writing. Things like psychology, architecture, interior design, and philosophy included and not limited to. I also love to work on an IT project, mostly on a smaller scale. Most of my pet projects are writing bots using public servers to figure out user requirements.
If you want to reach me, you can email me or find me on discord: Xarus Dederic#7266. Discord me, because facebook is pretty dead around my place and because I'm active there!