A Laravel Nova Tooltip field for the index view.
When you want to show additional data but do not want to clutter the table, put it in a tooltip.
Run this command in your Laravel Nova project:
$ composer require philperusse/nova-tooltip-field
Use this field as any other fields. By design, this field will only be shown on index (lists) views.
use philperusse\NovaTooltipField\Tooltip;
Tooltip::make('More', function(){
return 'This a tooltip. You can put lengthy content here or any additional info.';
You can also pass HTML to the tooltip.
Tooltip::make('More', function(){
return '<h4>Additional User info</h4>'
. ' <strong>Created at : </strong>' . Carbon::parse($this->created_at)->diffForHumans()
. '<br>'
.' <strong>Updated at : </strong>' . Carbon::parse($this->created_at)->diffForHumans();
All contributions are welcomed. Please send a PR.
- Philippe PĂ©russe philippe.perusse@outlook.com
The styles are based on Bootstrap's Tooltip component.
This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT Licence