Yet another fetch

An HTTP client with retry functionality, callbacks, and error handling using neverthrow.

It utilizes the fetch API under the hood and provides an API similar to fetch with additional options.


Only for Node.js!
It's assumed that for the frontend, it's better to use specialized solutions like Tanstack Query or Farfetched.


pnpm i yet-another-fetch


import { createHttpClient, retryOnStatus, retryDelayExp2 } from 'yet-another-fetch';

const client = createHttpClient({
  baseUrl: '',
  retries: 3,
  retryDelay: (attempt) => 2 ** attempt * startDelay, // retryDelayExp2(1000)
  retryOn: retryOnStatus([401, 500]),
  interceptRequest(url, config) {
    // Object.assign(config.headers, { hello: "world" });
  inspectResponse(response) {
    // app.requestContext.set('setCookies', response.headers.getSetCookie());
  inspectError(error) {
    // console.error(error);

const { message } = await client
  .get<{ message: string }>('/data')
  .andThen((res) => res.json())
  .unwrapOr({ message: 'hello' });