
Smol NFT Marketplace on Starknet. Written in Cairo plus HOW to make one guide

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pixelated Chimes

A minimal NFT marketplace on Starknet. This repo consists of contracts written in Cairo and integrated user interface client. To be used for tutorial. User could upload and mint the NFT and can Buy with Sepolia ETH

Repo Navigation


Requires Scarb on machine.

  • Clone the repo
  • cd pixelated-chimes
  • cd nftcontract
    • Inside src folder there is erc721.cairo and lib.cairo
    • Optional: Edit, change few things, try to add new methods
  • scarb build to test the build


Requires pnpm on machine.

  • cd pixelated-chimes
  • cd nftclient
  • pnpm install
  • pnpm dev and visit the relevant local host for interaction
    • Edit the utils.js with your deployed address to interact with your contract

Contract Used and Deployed(Sepolia): 0x0308445897818779e5aa3b9f3eeb7078c0a5aa4c6376ad7735a9be5e89b93d2c