
A project demostrating four techniques for communication accrossed mutliple processes

Primary LanguageC

OS Interals and Design Final Project

This project was constructed for OS Internals and Design. It uses the follow interpocess communication system:

  • Pipes
  • Network Sockets
  • Message Passing
  • Shared Memory

I also included the essay I wrote for this project.


Each program was designed to run on Linux. pipes, network sockets, and shared memory where all compiled using GCC-7. Additionally, the network sockets project requires a working installation of Rust. Each, project can be built and ran through make using the following commands:

Project Build Command Run Command
Pipes make build-pipes make run-pipes
Netwwork Sockets make build-sockets make run-sockets
Message Passing make build-message-passing make run-message-passing
Shared Memory make build-shared make run-shared

Finally, veriyf.py is a simple script that check the contents of each programs output files.