
The official implement of TrackSSM

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


TrackSSM is a general motion predictor with the state space model.

TrackSSM: A General Motion Predictor by State-Space Model

Bin Hu, Run Luo, Zelin Liu, Cheng Wang, Wenyu Liu

arXiv 2409.00487


  • Submitting the paper on Arxiv at Sep 4 2024.

Tracking performance

Results on MOT17, DanceTrack, SportsMOT test set

Dataset HOTA MOTA IDF1 AssA DetA
MOT17 61.4 78.5 74.1 59.6 63.6
DanceTrack 57.7 92.2 57.5 41.0 81.5
SportsMOT 74.4 96.8 74.5 62.4 88.8


Creating a new environment.

Running: pip install torch==2.0.1 torchvision==0.15.2 torchaudio==2.0.2 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118

Compiling mamba 1.2.0 post1, ensuring triton == 2.1.0

Running: pip install -r requirement.txt

cd external/YOLOX,run: pip install -r requirements.txt && python setup.py develop

Data preparation

Download MOT17, MOT20, DanceTrack, SportsMOT and put them under ROOT/ in the following structure. The structure of the MIX dataset follows the method used in DiffMOT:

   |        └——————train(MOT17 train set and MOT20 train set)
   |        └——————test(MOT17 test set and MOT20 test set)
   |           └——————train
   |           └——————train_seqmap.txt
   |           └——————test
   |           └——————test_seqmap.txt
   |           └——————val
   |           └——————val_seqmap.txt

and then, run

python dancetrack_data_process.py
python sports_data_process.py
python mot_data_process.py

Model zoo

Detection Model

Refer to Detection Model.

Motion Model

Refer to : MOT17-61.4 HOTA, DanceTrack-57.7 HOTA, SportsMOT-74.4 HOTA.


Training Detection Model

Refer to ByteTrack.

Training Motion Model

  • Changing the data_dir in config
  • Training on the MIX, DanceTrack and SportsMOT:
python main.py --config ./configs/dancetrack.yaml
python main.py --config ./configs/sportsmot.yaml
python main.py --config ./configs/mot.yaml



Tracking on MOT17 test set

python main.py --config ./configs/mot17_test.yaml

Tracking on DanceTrack test set

python main.py --config ./configs/dancetrack_test.yaml

Tracking on SportsMOT test set

python main.py --config ./configs/sportsmot_test.yaml


  • For tracking on MOT17, we should unenable line 60 in motion_decoder.py.
  • Before perform tracking process, change det_dir, info_dir and save_dir in config files.
  • The use_detection_model is an optional item. When making the use_detection_model project effective, the detector will participate in the process of tracking inference, not just the motion model.
  • The interval the length of the historical trajectory involved in training and inference.


      title={TrackSSM: A General Motion Predictor by State-Space Model}, 
      author={Bin Hu and Run Luo and Zelin Liu and Cheng Wang and Wenyu Liu},


A large part of the code is borrowed from Mamba,DiffMOT, FairMOT, ByteTrack. Many thanks for their wonderful works.