
Example of a workflow with datawrangling in R and a final visualization output in vega.js

Primary LanguageR


Example of a workflow with datawrangling in R and a final visualization output in vega.js

From a multidimensional dataset to a parallel coordinates chart. Data wrangling phase dedicated to fix some inconsistent data and generate a csv and json versions of the curated dataset.

Then vega.js is used by calling the node.js utility vg2svg for rendering the static visualization image.

Basic Setup and execution

Installation of vega.js

Vega needs to be installed in the main folder of the project, as follows (From https://github.com/vega/vega):

For a basic setup allowing you to build Vega and run examples, clone https://github.com/vega/vega and run npm install.

Once installation is complete, use npm run test to run tests and npm run build to build output files.

This repo (vega) includes web-based demos within the test folder. To run these, launch a local webserver in the top-level directory for the repo (e.g., python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 for Python 2, python -m http.server 8000 for Python 3) and then point your browser to the right place (e.g., http://localhost:8000/test/).

Run makefile

Go to the bash and run the makefile to execute the whole process. That's it!