A network embedding project to learn the representation of nodes in a network by leveraging both structure and content information

Primary LanguageC++


Content Enhanced Network Embedding

CENE is tool to learn embedding of nodes in a network.


First you need to clone DyNet from GitHub and compile it as well as its dependencies. You can learn how to do that here. We use version v1.0-rc1

Typically you should have Eigen installed already after compile DyNet. If not, you can get it using the following command:

hg clone https://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/ -r 346ecdb

Then you should clone this project.

After that, you need to use cmake to generate the makefiles

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DEIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=/path/to/eigen -DDYNET_INCLUDE_DIR==/path/to/dynet -DDYNET_LINK_DIR=/path/to/dynet/build/dynet

Then you need to

make -j 2