
A simple message board with public and private messages

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Message board

The goal of this project is to make an app that display a list of messages and allow the user to add a message to the list that can be public or private.

Important to know

This project is:

  • Made using Next.js, Stylus and Mobx.
  • Unitary tested using Jest.
  • Functionally tested using Cypress.
  • Fully documented using JSDoc.
  • Formatted using Prettier.


  1. This project uses Next.js which means that react is rendered on the server-side and on the client-side.
  2. The board allow multiple users to join and add messages.
  3. The user can add private messages only visible to himself.
  4. The board is refreshed every second with a simple interval that could be improved using web socket or HTTP2 push API.


  1. A custom express server is used (see server.js at the root of the project)
  2. 20 fake messages and authors are generated when the server is launched using Faker.
  3. There is 5 custom routes on server.js that could be documented and we could validate the payload of each request using Joi.


Clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/XavierLeTohic/message-board

Install dependencies via NPM

npm install

Install dependencies via Yarn



To run the app type

npm run dev

Or using Yarn

yarn dev


The following command will build the application for production use and run the tests to ensure it is deliverable.

npm run build-test

or using Yarn

yarn build-test

Run in production

npm run start

or using Yarn

yarn start

End to End tests

To run the functional tests you must first build and start the server first:

npm run build && npm run start

Then run cypress on another terminal:

npm run cypress:open

Click on Run all specs