Instructions to use the API

File structure scheme

Follow the next steps to execute the API. Section 1 is optional.

1. Create a virtual environment

  1. Install virtualenv library:

    $ pip install virtualenv
  2. Create an environment:

    $ virtualenv venv
  3. Activate the environment:

    $ source ./venv/bin/activate


    $ source ./venv/Scripts/activate

    depending on what the directories names are.

2. Install required packages

  1. Install 'requirements.txt':

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Install Tkinter to be able to use the application ( It must be installed apart as it does not exist on PyPi:

    $ sudo apt-get install python3-tk

3. Execution

  1. Enter the directory Code:

    $ cd Code
  2. Execute the desired files from console. You can either execute the app or create a class instance.

    • If you want to try methods, you can use, where there are examples of executions relating to match information calculation. You can uncomment the lines you are interested in.
    • If you want to try methods, you can use, where there are examples of executions relating to season information calculation. You can uncomment the lines you are interested in.
    • You can execute to execute the UI designed to execute the API methods.