

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Automatically generate nav and sidebar configurations for VitePress.

✨ Features

  • Supports custom scope (based on srcDir and srcExclude configurations)
  • Uses top-level folders as nav and subfolders/files as sidebar
  • Supports both plugin configuration and article frontmatter configuration
  • Allows custom display names, with articles supporting top-level headings as names
  • Supports custom sorting methods
  • Supports hiding files or folders
  • Auto-refreshes after modifying plugin configuration or frontmatter
  • Supports using the same SUMMARY.md file as the Gitbook as the sidebar configuration.

🕯️ Usage

  1. Install
# Recommended to use pnpm
pnpm i vite-plugin-vitepress-auto-nav -D
# When using TypeScript, it's recommended to install Vite to avoid type errors
pnpm i vite -D
  1. Add the plugin
// .vitepress/config.ts
import AutoNav from "vite-plugin-vitepress-auto-nav";

export default defineConfig({
  vite: {
    plugins: [
        // Custom configuration
  1. enjoy it

🛠️ Configuration

The generated nav configuration will use the first article in the directory as the link attribute. If you need to customize the nav, you can manually define it, and the plugin will not modify the existing nav configuration (because nav configurations are usually minimal, manually configuring them is more cost-effective than complex configuration in the plugin).

You can also configure properties from ItemOptions in the article frontmatter. Configuration in the format of nav-propertyName can be used to avoid conflicts with variables in the logic. Other variables in the frontmatter will also be included in the frontmatter property of the sorting function parameters.

interface Options {
   * Glob matching expression
   * Matches the md files located in the [srcDir] directory, excluding those specified in [srcExclude]
   * Default: **.md
  pattern?: string | string[];

   * Configurations for specific files or folders
   * The key can be the file name, folder name, or path (relative to [srcDir]). When there are duplicate names, the path is used for differentiation.
   * Configuration for md files can also be set in the frontmatter, using the same `propertyName` or `nav-propertyName`. This takes precedence over the itemsSetting configuration.
  itemsSetting?: Record<string, ItemOptions>;

   * Custom sorting method for files and folders at the same level
   * The default sorting method `defaultCompareFn` follows these rules:
   * 1. When both have a `sort` value, they are sorted in ascending order based on the `sort` value, and then by creation time in ascending order.
   * 2. When only one has a `sort` value, and the `sort` value is equal to the index value of the other, the one with the `sort` value comes first.
   * 3. When only one has a `sort` value, and the `sort` value is not equal to the index value of the other, they are compared based on the `sort` value and the index value, and sorted in ascending order.
   * 4. When neither has a `sort` value, they are sorted based on the creation time (`firstCommitTime` or `birthTime`).
  compareFn?: (a: Item, b: Item) => number;

  /** Whether to use the top-level heading of an article as its name (to handle cases where the file name may be an abbreviation). Can also be individually configured in the itemsSetting. */
  useArticleTitle?: boolean;
  /** This is used to support generating directories from Gitbook's SUMMARY file, and the other configurations will no longer take effect once it is added. */
  summary?: {
    /** path to SUMMARY.md */
    target: string;
     * Same as SidebarItem.collapsed
     * If not specified, group is not collapsible.
     * If `true`, group is collapsible and collapsed by default
     * If `false`, group is collapsible but expanded by default
    collapsed?: boolean;
     * Remove escaped characters "\"
     * @default true
    removeEscape?: boolean;

 * Configuration options for a single file or folder
 * Configuration can also be set in the article's frontmatter using the same `propertyName` or `nav-propertyName`. This takes precedence over the itemsSetting configuration.
interface ItemOptions {
  /** Whether to display the item */
  hide?: boolean;

  /** Sorting value (target position index, starting from 0) */
  sort?: number;

  /** Redefines the display name, takes precedence over useArticleTitle */
  title?: string;

  /** Whether to use the top-level heading of an article as its name, takes precedence over the global useArticleTitle configuration */
  useArticleTitle?: boolean;

   * Same as the collapsed configuration in the sidebar, only applicable to folders
   * Default: false (supports collapsing, default expanded)
  collapsed?: boolean;

/** File or folder key information */
interface Item {
  /** Index position within the same level */
  index: number;

  /** File or folder name */
  name: string;

  /** Whether it is a folder */
  isFolder: boolean;

  /** Configuration object (excluding frontmatter) and timestamp data (TimesInfo) */
  options: ItemCacheOptions;

  /** Frontmatter data and top-level heading (h1) of the article */
  frontmatter: Frontmatter;

  /** Child files and folders */
  children: Item[];

/** Cached options data for files and folders */
type ItemCacheOptions = ItemOptions & TimesInfo;

/** File and directory timestamp information */
interface TimesInfo {
  /* Local file creation time */
  birthTime?: number;
  /* Local file modification time */
  modifyTime?: number;
  /* First commit time in Git */
  firstCommitTime?: number;
  /* Last commit time in Git */
  lastCommitTime?: number;

/** Cached frontmatter data */
type Frontmatter = { h1?: string } & Recordable;

type Recordable = Record<string, any>;

🎊 Configuration Example

vite: {
  plugins: [
      pattern: ["**/!(README|TODO).md"], // You can also exclude files that you don't want to display, for example, exclude README and TODO files
      settings: {
        a: { hide: true }, // Do not display the folder or md file with the name "a"
        b: { title: 'bb' }, // Display the folder or file with the name "b" as "bb" in the menu
        c/b: { sort : 3 }, // Configure the folder "c" and file "b" under the specified path, it will be sorted at index 3 or at the end
        c/b2: { useArticleTitle: false }, // Disable using the article's first-level title as the article name
        d: { collapsed: true }, // Folder collapse configuration
      compareFn: (a, b) => {
        // Sort in ascending order based on the latest commit time (or local file modification time if there is no commit record)
        return (b.options.lastCommitTime || b.options.modifyTime) - (a.options.lastCommitTime || a.options.modifyTime)
      useArticleTitle: true // Globally enable using the article's first-level title as the article name


MIT License © 2023 Xaviw