#jQuery plugin for writing and using PHP within JavaScript ##A versitile jQuery plugin implementation
A versitile wrapper for using PHP in JavaScript. Allows for quickly writing web applications in
multi-code situations. You can define and use custom PHP functions directly within JavaScript.
By default you can easily gain access to most of PHP's core functions within JavaScript without
the overhead and implementation issues often found when using JavaScript libraries to emulate PHP
functions. See features section for more details on provided functionality.
Fork me @ https://github.com/Xaxis/jqueryphp
- jQuery library (http://www.jquery.com)
- Access to PHP core & user defined functions as JavaScript methods
- Dynamic JSON pseudo code to PHP translation
- Execution of arbitrary PHP strings within JavaScript
- Chaining of PHP functions as JavaScript methods
- Caching support to leverage multiple function requests
- Security procedures to block unintended PHP usage from the client
- Wide range of design patterns for using PHP directly in JavaScript
- Great flexibility while working with returned results and the DOM
- Automatic type conversion of returned results into JavaScript types
- Performance and bench testing functionality to calculate latency
For ease of use we define a shortcut reference which we will use throughout the rest of our examples. This is only recommended behavior. You can of course use the plugin through $.fn.php at anytime.
var P = $.fn.php;
After we have included jquery and jquery.php in the head of our document we must call the init method. The path where request_handler.php exists must be specified.
// The path to our function request handler is absolutely required
'path': 'http://www.YourDomain.com/jqueryphp/request_handler.php',
// Synchronous requests are required for method chaining functionality
'async': false,
// List any user defined functions in the manner prescribed here
'userFunctions': {
languageFunctions: 'echo print print_r'
Define a global callback function so you don't have to pass one to a function request every call if we're working with the DOM.
// Setting the global callback is as simple as passing a callback function to our plugin
P(function (data, self) {
$(self).append("<div>" + data + "</div>");
// Or we could use our callback method to do the same thing
P.callback(function (data, self) {
$(self).append("<div>" + data + "</div>");
Notice in both instances above we're defining two arguments to our callback: data
and self
. data
will hold the returned values from the server and self
is used as a reference to our selector context.
The global callback is used when working with elements in the DOM. You are not required to define a callback at all if your intentions are to work programatically with PHP in JavaScript. See Returning Values to Variables.
Here we specify the jQuery selected elements we would like our bound context to be. This will override any previously selected contexts. If no context is chosen the plugin object becomes our context.
// Setting our selector context can also be done independently by passing our selector object
// Or we could use our context method to do the same thing
The global selector context is used when targeting elements you would like to work with in the DOM. You are not required to use a selector context if your intentions are to work programatically with PHP in JavaScript.
It will often be easier to specify both the selector context and callback at the same time. This way you won't need to set it while calling PHP functions and working with DOM elements.
// We can set our global callback and selector context at the same time
P($("#results1"), function(data, self) {
$(self).append("<div id='whatever'>" + data + "</div>");
// Another way we could do this would be calling the `callback` and `context` method as a chain
P.context($("#results1")).callback(function(data, self) {
$(self).append("<div id='whatever'>" + data + "</div>");
Before we get to much further into demonstrating how to use jquery.php, you should familiarize yourself with the various core methods of the plugin.
Mode methods:
php.chain( methodCount )
- Implements the method chaining mode
- Is the default method of operation
- Used to chain PHP functions together in logical units
- Calling
directly is not required behavior
php.block( blockObject )
- Implements the blocking mode interface
- Allows for passing JSON objects of PHP to the server
php.multi( multiObject )
- Implements the multiple mode interface
- Used as an easy shorthand to send multiple function requests
- Unlike
does not send all function calls at one time
php.exec( codeString )
- Implements the execution mode interface
- Used to exicute arbitrary strings of PHP code
Getter/Setter methods:
php.callback( callback[, *] )
- Sets the global callback function
- Passing a function sets the global callback and re-activates the
property - Passing
or any "truthy" value sets theuseCallback
property to true - Passing
or any "falsy" value sets theuseCallback
property to false - Passing no arguments sets the
property to false and returns the callback
php.context( context[, *] )
- Sets the global selector context
- Passing a jQuery selected element sets the global context
- Passing no arguments returns the global selector context
Closing methods:
- Returns the value of the last requested function call
- Returns the value of the last requested function call
- Returns the value of the last requested function call within an array
Utility methods:
php.bench( selfInvokingCallback )
- Implements the bench performance method
- Passing a self invoking function containing code returns the time in milaseconds it takes to process that code including request time to the server (if any function requests are made within that code).
- Like other jquery.php methods the value is not directly returned until you call
on the method.
- Clears the chain buffer that holds all requests made to a point
- If called directly before
will have no effect
- Repeats all function requests made to a point to the server
In many situations we will not be working with the DOM at all. We'll simply want to return results from PHP and work with them directly in our JavaScript. There are a few different ways in which jquery.php returns data.
- The
method returns data in raw form. That is it returns data outside of the array that jquery.php stores it in - The
method returns data within the array that jquery.php stores it in - Both ways of retrieving data share one thing in common: you call them at the end of a request sequence.
- Since jquery.php was designed to work with jQuery and the DOM it is usually prudent to call
to avoid using any set callbacks. Either way values will be returned back to your code. However without setting the callback to false the DOM will still be interacted with if you have previously assigned any callbacks.
// We suspend our callback so the global callback is not used
// Both .end(), .result() and .data() return data to variables
var strLenA = P.strlen('some string').end();
var strLenB = P.strlen('another string').end();
var totalStrLen = strLenA + strLenB;
console.log( totalStrLen ); // 25
// .data Returns data in an array
var data1 = P.crypt("Some Crypt String").data();
console.log( data1 ); // ["$1$Tk1b01rk$shTKSqDslatUSRV3WdlnI/"]
The following are some simple usage scenarios. jquery.php attempts to provide a variety of different mechanisms or interfaces that do the same thing. In other words jquery.php trys to abide by the, "there are many ways to skin a cat" principle as it relates to API design.
There are a few important points to keep in mind:
- You may assign a context or a callback at any time
- You do not have to work with the DOM. Returning values to variables is perfectly valid behavior.
// This is perhaps the simplest way of calling a PHP function
P.highlight_string('I am a string.', true);
// You could also call a function by passing its name as the first parameter followed by the functions parameters
P('highlight_string', 'A longer test string!', true);
// Assinging the PHP function you wish to call as the name of the callback
P(function highlight_string(data, self) {
$(self).append("<div><u>" + data + "</u></div>");
}, 'A shorter string!', true);
// Calling your function while choosing a new selector context and setting a new callback
$("#results1").php('highlight_string', function(data, self) {
$(self).append("<div><u style='color: green;'>" + data + "</u></div>");
}, 'This will be the longest string passed to strlen yet (plus one ++)', true);
// Calling your function while choosing a new selector context without setting a callback
$("#results1").php('highlight_string', 'Yet another string!', true);
// Turning off the usage of callbacks
// Returning a functions return value to a JavaScript variable
var highlightedString = P.highlight_string('some string').end();
This is the default mode of operation of the plugin and calling the chain
method directly is not required. Chain
mode allows for calling sequences of PHP functions in a chain (functionality that is not provided for PHP functions
in the PHP language construct itself).
Some important things to keep in mind:
- The first method called in a chain is passed that PHP function's required parameters with no alterations
- Methods that follow the first can be given the returned data from the last function call via an empty array which acts as a reference telling the plugin where within the parameters to pass the returned data from the last request to
- The point of PHP function chaining is to create a versitile shorthand for writing sequential function calls that depend on the returned results from functions called previously as values passed to the current called method's parameters
- While calling
directly is not required, doing so leverages some powerful results that reduce latency to and from the server by minimizing the requests sent. Some things to remember when calling thechain
method directly:- You must pass an integer to the
method that represents how many methods in the chain follow. This number must be accurate. Passing 3 when there are 4 methods will result in failure - When calling
directly all method requests are sent to the server at once vs. one at a time - Data is returned without the need to call any of our data methods at the end of a sequence. This is the only situation or mode of operation where you are not required to call a data method on a sequence when returning data to JavaScript
- Additionally you can reference the returned data from a previous method call by using the name of the last method as a string and placing that string in the parameter location where you would like to have the data passed
- This is the only mode that does not effect the repeat buffer
- You must pass an integer to the
It will be far easier to simply demonstrate some usage scenarios:
// Using chain mode without calling the chain method. Notice the empty array references.
var data1 = P.strtoupper("u,p,p,e,r,c,a,s,e").strstr([], "C,A,S,E").explode(",", [], 2).end();
console.log( data1 ); // ["C", "A,S,E"]
// Call strtoupper followed by strstr followed by explode followed by implode
var data2 = P.strtoupper("u,p,p,e,r,c,a,s,e").strstr([], "C,A,S,E").explode(",", [], 6).implode(",",[]).end();
console.log( data2 ); // "C,A,S,E"
// Using chain mode by calling the chain method. Notice no data method is called at the end of the sequence.
var data3 = P.chain(3).strtoupper("u,p,p,e,r,c,a,s,e").strstr([], "C,A,S,E").explode(",", [], 2);
console.log(data3); // ["C", "A,S,E"]
// Using chain mode by calling the chain method. Referencing returned results by method name.
var data4 =
.strstr("strtoupper", "C,A,S,E")
.explode(",", "strstr", 2);
Perhaps one of the most powerful modes provided is block mode. In block mode you can pass a JSON object containing PHP pseudo-code to be executed by PHP. Unlike other modes, code and function requests are not executed and returned one at a time. Instead the entire "block" of JSON pseudo-code is executed on the server and then returned.
- Each sub-object block must be referenced by a literal such as
- You assign any type of JavaScript data to a given object literal
- When making function requests an object literal must reference an object which first contains an object literal with the same name as the function you want to call.
- The object literal with the name of the function you would like to call must reference an array containing any parameters to be passed to that function.
- You can pass previously defined object literals as parameters to other functions by placing an identical string with the same name as the object literal you are targeting in the parameter location where you would like to pass it.
// Perhaps the easiest manner to use block mode is as follows
var codeBlock = P.block({
$str: "Let's use PHP's file_get_contents()!",
http: {
method: "GET",
header: "Accept-language: en\r\n" +
"Cookie: foo=bar\r\n"
stream_context_create: ['$opts']
file_get_contents: ['http://www.williamneeley.com/', false, '$context']
htmlentities: ['$contents']
Multi mode allows you to call consecutive PHP functions as an object by passing the function name as the property. This mode is different that chaining mode in that functions are called completely independently from one another. Multi mode simply provides a shorthand way of calling multiple PHP functions. Results are returned in an array in the order in which they were called.
// Returning the waw plugin data with .data()
var data1 = P.multi({
abs : [-884],
cosh : [23],
sqrt : [43]
console.log( data1 ); // [[884, 4872401723.1245, 6.557438524302]]
// Returning our array of results with .end()
var data2 = P.multi({
is_array : [['this', 'is', 'an', 'array']],
json_encode : [{'object_literal': 'some val'}],
gettype : [1.1]
console.log( data2 ); // [true, "{"object_literal":"some val"}", "double"]
// Returning our array of results with .result()
var data3 = P.multi({
abs : [-884],
cosh : [23],
sqrt : [43]
}).result(); // [884, 4872401723.1245, 6.557438524302]
Exec mode allows you to pass arbitrary strings of PHP code to be executed. This mode is disabled by default on the backend. It is advisable to only use this mode in development stages.
// The one required component of an exec mode string is that a value be returned
var code = "$a = 2; $b = 2; $c = ($a + $b); return $c;";
P('exec', code);
// We can of course use exec mode while setting a new global callback
P(function exec(data, self) {
$(self).append("<div style='border:2px dashed pink'>" + data + "</div>");
}, "$a = 8; $b = 3; $c = ($a + $b); return $c;");
// In order to return data to a variable we must call the result() method
var execData = P('exec', code).result();
console.log( execData );
In many situations we would like to determine the latency involved with a given code block. The bench method was created to test the total time in milaseconds it takes to run your code (inclusive of response time to and from the server). To use the bench method we must pass a specially structured callback function like that used below. Notice the return value is an inline annonymous function. All other code within is code you would like to test.
var testTime = P('bench', (function() {
var strLenA = P.strlen('some string').end();
var strLenB = P.strlen('another string').end();
var totalStrLen = strLenA + strLenB;
}), 3).end();
console.log('Test Time: ' + testTime + ' ms');