#2015Shmup ##How to play ###Default Controls

Keyboard Mouse
Up Up Arrow Move Mouse
Left Left Arrow Move Mouse
Down Down Arrow Move Mouse
Right Right Arrow Move Mouse
Fire Space Left Mouse Button

###Start in the Editor In the editor the game should be started from the "Main Scene" since it contains components which need to be kept alive throughout multiple scenes.

##External Help ###Main Scene Controller The Main Scene Controller is based on this video. I added more members and function when I needed it throughout multiple scenes.


###Unity Answers and Tutorials When I encountered a problem Unity Answers and Tutorials were the main source which helped me out.



###Best Practices and Tips Multiple best practices and tips came from Unity Patterns and a blog article. I just kept those in mind when thinking about programming challenges.



###CGTextures The background had been created with images from CGTextures.


##Tools and Versions

  • Unity3D 5.1.1f1
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
  • SourceTree
  • Photoshop CC
  • Blender 2.74