OPCDE DXB 2017 Materials (26-27 April 2017)
- Keynote 1 - Revisiting the state - Maarten Van Horenbeeck (@maartenvhb)
- Keynote 2 - Wim Remes (@wimremes)
- The Blackbox of DPAPI: the gift that keeps on giving - Bartosz Inglot (@BartInglot)
- Transforming Open Source to Open Access in Closed Applications: Finding Vulnerabilities in Adobe Reader's XSLT Engine - Abdul-Aziz Hariri (@abdhariri), Jasiel Spelman (@WanderingGlitch), Brian Gorence
- From mimikatz to kekeo, passing by new Microsoft security technologies - Benjamin Delpy (@gentilkiwi)
- Agentless Post Exploitation on Device Guarded Systems - Christopher Truncer (@ChrisTruncer)
- Security Research and Development with LLVM - Andrew Reiter (@andrew_opcde)
- Supply Chainsaw: Practical software supply chain attacks - Matt Weeks (@scriptjunkie1)
- Hacking wireless SCADA systems - Elena Feldman
- Exploring Your System Deeper - Oleksandr Bazhaniuk (@ABazhaniuk)
- Windows Operating System Archaeology - Matt Nelson (@enigma0x3)
- Blinded Random Block Corruption - Rodrigo Branco (@bsdaemon)
- Practical attacks against Digital Wallet - Loic Falletta (@zavidan)
- 15 ways to break RSA security - Renaud Lifchitz (@nono2357)
- Stranger Danger - Mohamed Saher (@halsten), Ahmed Garhy (@9ee1), Nikita Tarakanov (@NTarakanov)
- Lighting Talk
- Our Financial System is under Attack - Matt Suiche (@msuiche) & @x0rz