
Because putnbr() and putstr() are not enough

Primary LanguageC



ft_printf is a custom implementation of the classic printf function in C. It's designed to mimic the original printf functionality along with additional features. This project is part of the advanced programming segment, helping students deepen their understanding of variadic functions, string processing, and more intricate aspects of C programming.


  • Custom implementation of printf supporting multiple format specifiers.
  • Additional handlers for various data types like char, string, integers, unsigned, pointers, and hexadecimal formats.
  • Utility functions for supporting tasks like counting, spacing, and formatted output.

Compilation and Usage


  • GCC compiler
  • GNU make

Compiling the Library

To compile ft_printf, run the following command:

make all

This compiles the libftprintf.a library. The process involves compiling the libft library, copying it, and then compiling the ft_printf specific files.

Clean and Recompile

To clean object files and recompile:

make re

For cleaning up all compiled files:

make fclean

File Structure

  • src/*.c and src/*/*.c - Source files for ft_printf and its utilities.
  • includes/*.h - Header files with function prototypes and necessary includes.


To integrate ft_printf into your C project, include the libftprintf.a library and the associated header files in your compilation command.