
A web based interactive mystical themed Riddle Game, designed to test your Softskills. Created using HTML,CSS and JS. The website uses Firebase as its backend database and authentication provider.

Technology used

1. Frontend:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS

2. Backend

  • Firebase


  • Anyone with an email address can create an Id and password to participate in the game.
  • A dashboard for the admin where the progress of all the users can be tracked & analyzed.
  • All the progress / user data stored for every user.


Riddles can target a variety of soft skills, including critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, communication, and teamwork. Here are some examples:

  • Critical thinking: Riddles require individuals to think outside the box and consider different perspectives to solve the puzzle. This helps to develop critical thinking skills and the ability to analyze information.
  • Problem-solving: Riddles are essentially problems that need to be solved, which can help individuals develop problem-solving skills. By thinking through a riddle and arriving at a solution, individuals can improve their ability to approach and solve problems in other areas.
  • Creativity: Riddles often require creative thinking and imagination to solve. By engaging in this type of thinking, individuals can develop their creativity and come up with innovative solutions to other problems.
  • Communication: Riddles can be used as a way to encourage communication and discussion among a group. When individuals work together to solve a riddle, they must communicate their thoughts and ideas effectively to arrive at a solution.
  • Teamwork: Riddles can also promote teamwork, as individuals may need to work together to solve a particularly challenging riddle. By working together, individuals can learn to collaborate effectively and leverage each other's strengths to achieve a common goal.

Admin Access


Answers for the Riddles

  • q1) d.leprechaun
  • q2) b.Cauldron
  • q3) b.nose
  • q4) b.dragon
  • q5) a.dream

Steps to setup

  1. Simply download zipfile,fork or clone the repository.
  2. run 'Index.html" :) keeping it simple