
Edit Memory is a c++ module for helping beginners to start and understand game hacking.

Primary LanguageC++


Edit Memory is a c++ module for helping beginners to start game hacking.

How it work ?

This module have several functions for helping beginners to see how memory works in games. We have many example on games such like AssaultCube,CSGO,GTA: SAN-ANDREAS,etc... With this module you can create simple game hack software and understand how memory/pointer/address works in game with less effort.

What can i do with this ?

You can read/write address and patch instruction with simple function !

Does this is undetectable ?

Huh... Not really. The module is based on function ReadProcessMemory and WriteProcessMemory these functions are well know by anticheat.

Now, some example.

Reading Process Memory

#include <iostream>
#include "EditMemory.h"

int main()

	DWORD procId = GetProcId(L"ac_client.exe");

	DWORD moduleBase = GetModuleBaseAddress(procId, L"ac_client.exe");

	HANDLE handle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, procId);

	DWORD localPlayer = moduleBase + 0x10F4F4;

	std::vector<unsigned int> ammoOffsets = { 0x150 };

	uintptr_t ammoAddr = FindDynamicAddr(handle, localPlayer, ammoOffsets);

	while (true)
		int currentAmmo = editmemory::ReadMem<int>(handle, (LPVOID)ammoAddr);
		std::cout << currentAmmo << std::endl;

These are the required function for reading memory process.

Writing Process Memory

When your understand how reading memory writing memory is not much harder.

#include <iostream>
#include "EditMemory.h"

int main()

	DWORD procId = GetProcId(L"ac_client.exe");

	DWORD moduleBase = GetModuleBaseAddress(procId, L"ac_client.exe");

	HANDLE handle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, procId);

	DWORD localPlayer = moduleBase + 0x10F4F4;

	std::vector<unsigned int> ammoOffsets = { 0x150 };

	uintptr_t ammoAddr = FindDynamicAddr(handle, localPlayer, ammoOffsets);

	while (true)
		int currentAmmo = editmemory::ReadMem<int>(handle, (LPVOID)ammoAddr);
		editmemory::WriteMem<int>(handle, (LPVOID)ammoAddr, 1337);
		std::cout << currentAmmo << std::endl;

See ? not much harder... More at Example

What are you waiting for ?

So now you have no excuse for not started game hacking !


GuidedHacking to explain so well game hacking 😊