
A .NET 7 OutputCache implementation using Redis

Primary LanguageC#

.NET 7 OutputCaching implementation with Redis

See https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/asp-net-core-updates-in-dotnet-7-preview-6/ for more info on OutputCaching.

This repository contains a custom implementation of the IOutputCacheStore interface using Redis. This will allow users to use the OutputCaching feature in a distributed setting.

The following packages were used to integrate with Redis:

  • Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.StackExchangeRedis
  • StackExchange.Redis

The following custom classes were made to make it this all work:

  • OutputCacheExtensions
  • RedisOutputCacheStore

Try it out yourself

  • Clone this repository
  • Be sure to get the latest .NET 7 version. This repository was created using the .NET 7 version 6 preview.
  • Get a Redis client such as RedisInsight to monitor what kind of data is being persisted to your Redis instance
  • Run docker-compose up
    • This will spin up a Redis server instance
  • Run this project using dotnet run
  • Call thecache and cache2 endpoints to get the following:
    • A sliding cache entry per endpoint
      • A set for the tag that was used for both these endpoints. This set will allow for evicting by tag.
  • Call the nocache endpoint which will evict both cache entries based on the what is in the 'tag set'.