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This repository accompanies the publication:

Xenia Ohmer, Elia Bruni, and Dieuwke Hupkes. "Separating form and meaning: Using self-consistency to quantify task understanding across multiple senses". Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Evaluation, and Metrics (GEM). Association for Computational Linguistics.

Datasets and instructions

We use PAWS-X, XNLI, and BoolQ provided on Huggingface. The tasks are specified with their name and the collection from which they are loaded. The (collection, task) pairs are: (individual_tasks, paws-x); (xglue, xnli); and (super_glue, boolq). The original and translated instructions for each task, together with other details on the datasets, can be found in utils.task_config. For details on how the datasets are loaded and integrated with the corresponding instructions, see utils/load_task.py.


The different senses (here: translations) of the tasks were generated with translate.py. The translations can be found in the folder translations_gpt-3.5-turbo. The required command line arguments for running translate.py are the task specifiers (collection and subtask), the target language, and the translation type ("task" or "instruction"). Further arguments that can be specified are source language (default: en), temperature, top-p sampling, maximum number of output tokens, and the directory for saving the results (output_dir) We used a temperature of 0.25, a top_p probability of 1.0, and 2048 output tokens for all our experiments. For details on the evaluation of the translation quality, see utils/eval_metrics.py.


To generate the German translation of the English instruction for PAWS-X, as in our experiments, run:

python translate.py --collection individual_tasks --subtask paws-x --source_language en --target_language de --translation_type instruction --temperature 0.25 --output_dir translations_gpt-turbo-0301

In order to be able to use the translated instructions, add them to utils/task_config.py.

To generate the English translation of the Chinese input data for XNLI, as in our experiments, run:

python translate.py --collection xglue --subtask xnli --source_language zh --target_language en --translation_type task --temperature 0.25 --output_dir translations_gpt-turbo-0301

When evaluating the model on these translations, they will be loaded from translations_gpt-turbo-0301. If your input data translations are in a different folder, you will have to change the corresponding code in eval.py (lines 58-59).


The model was evaluated on these different senses with eval.py. The results can be found in the folder results_gpt-3.5-turbo. The required command line arguments for running eval.py are the task specifiers (collection and subtask). In addition, you can specify the input data language (e.g. "en" for English or "de_from_en" for the model's translation from English into German) and the instruction version (e.g. "de" for the original German instruction, or "de_from_en-translation" for the model's translation of the English instruction into German). Further arguments that can be specified are temperature, top_p sampling, maximum number of output tokens. We used a temperature of 0.25, a top_p probability of 1.0, and 256 output tokens for all our experiments.

For details on how the model's responses are standardized, see utils/response_standardization.py; for details on the accuracy evaluation, see utils/eval_metrics.py.


To evaluate the model on the model's translation of paws-x into German (input data and instruction), as in our experiments, run:

python eval.py --collection individual_tasks --subtask paws-x --languages de_from_en --instruction_version de_from_en-translation --temperature 0.25 --output_dir results_gpt-turbo-0301

To evaluate the model on the original English input data for XGLUE paired with the model's translation of the instruction from English to Chinese, as in our experiments, run:

python eval.py --collection xglue --subtask xnli --languages en --instruction_version zh_from_en-translation --temperature 0.25 --output_dir results_gpt-turbo-0301


The analyses reported in the paper can be found in the notebooks consistency_analysis.ipynb, which analyses the model's consistency across different senses, and performance_analysis.ipynb, which analyses the model's accuracy and the quality of the translations. Helper functions (mainly for loading the results) can be found in utils/analysis_helpers.py.


Please do not hesitate to reach out to xenia.ohmer@uni-osnabrueck.de if you have any questions.