
A programming language, I guess?


This is an old repository. Check XenithMusic/RedPanda for the new one!



  1. This README is not completed! Images and more sections will be added soon!
  2. Instances of [?] mean that because RedPanda is still in early development, we don't have all of the details yet.


Red Panda is a programming language, aiming to stand out from the rest.

What's different?

Red Panda allows for variables to point to libraries, instead of just initializing the library with a label. An example of this is

var res cmd > lib console

This declares a resource variable named cmd which points to the library console.

Optional libraries, and their purposes

Looks like we havent installed any libraries that are pre-installed with python!

Installation guide

(note: you have to install python to use this program, we recommend python 3.7.5)

  1. Download the zip file containing the latest version of RedPanda (which currently is unreleased)
  2. Unzip it to its own folder
  3. Add the newly created RedPanda folder to path. (Go down to the FAQ to learn how to add something to path
  4. Open the command prompt
  5. Type redpanda / rp

You are now running red panda!


Q. How do I add a folder to my path?

A. My suggestion is to google it, as github seems to hate linebreaks

more coming soon