
flutter_map plugin to request and display the users location and heading on the map

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The plugin is discontinued. Feel free to fork it or checkout similar plugins.

Flutter Map – Location plugin

Flutter Pub

A flutter_map plugin to request and display the users location and heading on the map. The core features of the plugin are:

  • Customization: The location button and marker can be completly customized.
  • Energy efficiency: The location service is turned off if the app runs in the background.
  • Usability: Developers are empowered to ensure a good user experience.

User experience


  • The location button can be changed dependening on the location services status. For example also Google Maps shows a different icon if the location service is off.
  • The marker icon can be changed depending on the location accuracy.
  • It's possible to show the information (e.g. in form of a snackbar) to the user that the user location is outside of the map bounds.
  • The location heading is also shown for devices without an gyroscope. We patched flutter_compass for that.


Add flutter_map to your pubspec:

  flutter_map_location: any # or the latest version on Pub


Ensure the following permissions are present in <project-root>/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />

See reference example code


Ensure the following permission is present in <project-root>/ios/Runner/Info.plist:

<string>App needs access to location and direction when open.</string>

See reference example code


Look at the default example and the notes inside the code. That's a working example.

Demo / example

A working example can be found in the example/ directory. It contains a page with the default settings:

Default example

... and one with customized button and marker:

Custom example

(Map attribution: © OpenStreetMap contributors)


The plugin is inspired by user_location_plugin by igaurab.