This fork of the lombok project adds some little fixes, so that delomboked Java files can be compiled using GWT: * replace dollar sign ($) in hashCode and equals by underscore (_) - see these bugs: * (Lombok bug report) * (GWT bug report) ________ Project Lombok makes java a spicier language by adding 'handlers' that know how to build and compile simple, boilerplate-free, not-quite-java code. See LICENSE for the Project Lombok license. To start, run: ant -projecthelp HINT: If you'd like to develop lombok in eclipse, run 'ant eclipse' first. It creates the necessary project infrastructure and downloads dependencies. Note that, in order to run "LombokizedEclipse.launch", you need to have "Eclipse SDK" installed. For a list of all authors, see the AUTHORS file. Project Lombok was started by: Reinier Zwitserloot twitter: @surial home: Roel Spilker twitter: @rspilker