
Port OEM ROMs,Custom ROMs to project treble using github actions and ErfanGSIs then upload to Sourceforge,github releases,artifacts,telegram & other file upload websites

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Port OEM ROMs,Custom ROMs to project treble using github actions and ErfanGSIs then upload to sourceforge,github releases,artifacts,telegram & other file upload websites.


  • Easy to use & understand.
  • Modular & fast so you can do whatever you want.
  • Customizable. Chose your own custom ErfanGSIs tool, chose build type (A only or AB or both), and many more.
  • Deploy ported GSI to sourceforge,github releases,artifacts,telegram & other file upload websites.
  • Send notifications on telegram with informations about the latest build.


• If you want to port & upload GSI directly to your sourceforge project!

  • A little understanding on how to use ErfanGSIs tool.
  • A SourceForge account and project.
  • A little understanding on how SourceForge works and how to use it with sftp.

• If you want to port & upload GSI to file hosting websites

  • Scroll download & see website variables

• If you want to port & Upload GSI to github releases

  • PAT(Personal access token)

How To Use

  • Fork the repo.
  • Setup ErfanGSIs configuration in config.env. See ErfanGSIs Configuration.
  • Setup SourceForge credentials in github secrets. See SourceForge Configuration.
  • Go to actions tab, enable workflows.
  • Go to Actions tab again, click and run workflow manually.
  • It should take around 10-30 miniute to succesfully build and upload your builds to sourceforge.com.

How to update

  • Change ErfanGSIs configuration in config.env. ErfanGSIs Configuration.
  • Go to actions tab, click and run workflow manually.
  • It should take around 10 to succesfully build and upload your builds to sourceforge.com.

ErfanGSIs Configuration

All the settings for Erfan's tool is available by editing the config.env file.

Name Description Required
TOOL_REPO Repository from where to clone ErfanGSIs tool. Only change this if you are using a custom one.
URL Firmware download link or path on the repo.
FIRMWARE_TYPE Firmware type (eg: Pixel).
OUTPUT_TYPE Build type. Can be: "all" to build AB and AOnly; "ab" to build just AB; "a" to build just AOnly.
SF_DIR The directory on sourceforge. See: https://sourceforge.net/p/forge/documentation/SFTP/#for-managing-file-releases
CHAT_ID List of telegram chat id separated by space where to send info about the latest builds. Set to 0 to disable telegram notifications.
SF_URL Url to the sourceforge directory where the builds are uploaded. Used if telegram notifications are enabled.
EXTRA_ARGS Extra arguments to pass to url2GSI.sh script.

SourceForge Configuration

In order to connect to source forge you need some extra configuration variables in your repo secrets. See here.

Name Description
USERNAME SourceForge username.
PASSWORD SourceForge password.
TG_BOT_TOKEN Telegram Bot Token to send notification messages to. Used only if telegram notifications are enabled.


You can change cloud for uploading your options are

config site name website
arp Airportal https://aitportal.cn/
bit bitSend https://bitsend.jp/
cat CatBox https://catbox.moe/
cow CowTransfer https://www.cowtransfer.com/
gof GoFile https://gofile.io/
tmp TmpLink https://tmp.link/
vim Vim-cn https://img.vim-cn.com/
wss WenShuShu https://www.wenshushu.cn/
wet WeTransfer https://wetransfer.com/
flk FileLink https://filelink.io/
trs Transfer.sh https://transfer.sh/
lzs Lanzous https://www.lanzous.com/


  • EfanGSIs for his GSI porting tool

  • Me for creating these workflows & upload system