Support for the GLTF format currently exists in 2 different places: a standalone codebase (1.0 ONLY) and a newer implementation included with osgEarth.

Neither of these offer complete solutions, but combined they would facilitate creating a more robust, official reader/writer that could be included with OSG itself.


  • Determine quality of the jesesun reference implementation.

  • Determine quality of the osgEarth reference implementation.

  • Include testing models wholesale, or use the Khronos Samples as a submodule.

  • Evaluate the differences between tinygltf and tinygltfloader; they have the same author?

    NOTE: tinygltfloader is GLTF 1.0 ONLY, and has been deprecated.

  • Determine what would be involved for fully supporting PBR with a new reader/writer implementation.

  • Should any potential new code be generic enough to support both OpenGL and Vulkan?

Jesesun Reference Implementation

This code uses the deprecated tinygltfloader library, which only supports the GLTF 1.0 format. However, unlike the osgEarth codebase, this implementation does have animation support (although it still needs to be updated in your code every frame with the timestamp delta). It compiles without issue, and loads most of the 1.0 GLTF models in the official glTF-Sample-Models submodule.

NOTE: This project doesn't have any clear indication of its license. It can only be used "as-is" or as "inspiration" for new code.

osgEarth Reference Implementation

The osgEarth loader uses a modified version of the tinygltf library, which means it does--to some degree--support loading most of the sample models. However, there is no animation support, and it uses an "alternative" JSON library than the default (rapidjson), to maintain consistency with the rest of osgEarth.

This code would be the optimal base for creating a newer, complete GLTF reader. Ideally, we would remove the rapidjson dependency, break out the osgEarth-only components (such as B3DM), and use the jesesun animation code as inspiration for a complete osgAnimation implementation.

I was required to "comment out" small parts of this implementation in order to get it to compile and link. As mentioned above, it uses a modified version of the tinygltf library (2.4.1 + some custom changes related to texturing).

Testing Models

jesesun 1.0 Model

NOTE: Without a proper, custom rendering/shader pipeline, any model loaded--with either of the two exisiting projects--looks bland and generic.