
Bookmark directories and easily cd to them.

Primary LanguageGo


Bookmark your directories and cd to them instantly. Keeps a hidden file in your home directory named .leap to keep track of all of the places that you can leap to.

This is not 100% in Go due to the limitation that a subprocess is unable to change its parent's working directory. Therefore, if you run the program as originally intended (executing cd or using os.Chdir()) from a terminal, the subprocess that spawns and runs the program will change its working directory and exit, returning to the parent process whose working directory remains unaffected.

The workaround? Create a bash function that will call the binary and parse the results. For now, the bash function passes arguments to the program, which in turn will return a single string as an argument to cd.


Copy the most recent binary (cmd/leap) to the appropriate bath. In the usual case, this would be $GOPATH/bin/

Add the bash function (file named bash_func) to your .bashrc or .zshrc file. As you can see, it's calling the binary from the workspace. Modify the path as you see fit.

function leap() {
    local LEAP

    if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then

    elif ([ "$1" = "add" ]) || \
	     ([ "$1" = "rm" ]) || \
	     ([ "$1" = "list" ]) || \
	     ([ "$1" = "help" ]) || \
	     ([ "$1" = "rm" ]); then

	$LEAP $@

	local dest
	dest=$($LEAP "$@")

        cd "$dest"


Create a Place, which is a combo of the directory to change to, and an alias that leap will use:

leap add <DIR> <ALIAS>


leap new ./ home

Leap to somewhere via the alias you created:

leap <ALIAS>


leap home

Dev Notes

  • The package contains an init function that will attempt to create a hidden file in a User's home directory called .leap.
  • Until TODO bullet #1 is implemented, there is no erroneous or informational output. Incorrect usage will simply return "./". This is essentially to negate cd.

Helpful links: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/259460/how-can-i-parse-a-multi-line-command-output-in-bash http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/78470/pass-arguments-to-function-exactly-as-is http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Intro/intro_4.html https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/golang-nuts/8o7S3fq5fN8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/255414/why-doesnt-cd-work-in-a-bash-shell-script http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17026290/golang-chdir-and-stay-there-on-program-termination


  • Remove '.' from being output on errors. The bash func originally used program output as the argument to cd. Outputting . on errors prevented it from jumping or printing out errors.
  • Make bash_func simpler.


  • Allow main to check for a custom config file path.
  • Allow bash func to check for a custom config file path.


  • Modify the bash function to parse a result. This way we can implement leap list, leap remove, and print out error messages.


  • Implement 'rm' command to remove aliases.
  • Implement leap list which will list all of the places you can leap to.
  • Invalidate addition of a Place with a duplicate alias