
Generic "Check Service Status" 500 exception when trying to use updateRepeatingInvoice to delete

Opened this issue · 2 comments

SDK version 4.29.1 (not currently able to upgrade due to javax/jakarta switchover).

When calling updateRepeatingInvoice to delete a Repeating Invoice I get the following exception:

api.updateRepeatingInvoice(xeroAccessToken, xeroTenantId, invoiceId, repeatingInvoices, idempotencykey);

com.xero.api.XeroServerErrorException: An error occurred in Xero. Check the API Status page http://status.developer.xero.com for current service status.
        at com.xero.api.XeroApiExceptionHandler.execute(XeroApiExceptionHandler.java:211)
        at com.xero.api.client.AccountingApi.updateRepeatingInvoice(AccountingApi.java:32416)

I was using it to try and change the status to DELETED, which is a permitted operation for the endpoint.

I have no problems using other methods in the SDK, including createInvoices, so I don't think authentication or scope are to blame, though I'd a more specific message as I've seen before.

I have tried sending what I believe to be an equivalent manual HTTP POST request to the API outside of the SDK, and that has worked without issue, which leads me to believe it may be SDK related.

Any insight would be much appreciated.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Get a Repeating Invoice via getRepeatingInvoice
  2. Change the status to DELETED
  3. Try to save it using updateRepeatingInvoice

Expected behavior
To receive no exceptions, and successfully delete the invoice.


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