- 8
Request for Jakarta platform compliant Xero SDK
#354 opened by liuyng0 - 1
UpdateRepeatingInvoice failed to update the repeatingInvoiceId provided in method but created a new repeating invoice
#341 opened by yuruojie777 - 3
GST on Expenses for LineItems
#371 opened by arifainchtein - 3
Invoice creation failed because account removed
#370 opened by arifainchtein - 2
Generic "Check Service Status" 500 exception when trying to use updateRepeatingInvoice to delete
#368 opened by floodofstatic - 2
STD and STN CurrencyCode
#362 opened by emeraldhieu - 5
- 2
Getting unexpected validation error "Account must be valid/Tax rate must be valid"
#353 opened by cb-charchit - 2
POST Attachments RequestEntityTooLarge
#349 opened by monk233 - 2
#348 opened by arifainchtein - 2
- 3
Java SDK-NZ Payroll Job Title Field Missing
#319 opened by fatihsevimtc - 3
How To Create a Bill
#344 opened by arifainchtein - 2
How can i use Name.Contains("Peter") ?
#343 opened by sevendark - 3
test automation
#342 opened by 0GH4J - 4
Accessing the PayrollAuApi while connected to Demo Company gives an exception
#340 opened by arifainchtein - 5
- 0
Uploading a pdf and making it the sales invoice to be included in the email to customer
#337 opened by arifainchtein - 8
- 4
- 4
- 3
- 7
- 1
Java SDK Tax Object Missing Methods
#318 opened by fatihsevimtc - 4
SDK exception codes do not match API response codes
#267 opened by U3R1YXJ0 - 1
Maven Enforcer failing with dependency convergence error because of bad Maven POMs in XeroAPI
#268 opened by karolkrzyzak - 2
- 5
Not able to manage Invoice, Reports, RepeatingInvoices & many other objects
#330 opened by AscendingEagle - 0
Replace Deprecated GoogleCredential Dependency
#327 opened by tntim96 - 2
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.glassfish.jersey.internal.RuntimeDelegateImpl in IdentityApi.getConnections()
#323 opened by BigBadaboom - 0
Xero SDK support for Big Decimal or Longs
#322 opened by cb-madhukiran - 0
- 3
- 1
Get tenant connections
#309 opened by avinashmadireddy - 1
Fetch accounts
#312 opened by avinashmadireddy - 0
jackson-databind vulnerable library in use
#308 opened by interfink - 1
The field "Item" is missing in entity LineItem
#305 opened by P3R3 - 2
Bank Accounts Statement Text Mix-up
#301 opened by fatihsevimtc - 0
- 3
Xero Api Bug - JAVA SDK: String ifModifiedSince
#294 opened by fatihsevimtc - 2
Company Registration Number field missing
#299 opened by smith558 - 3
- 2
Wrong Files API base path
#287 opened by AmzDevelopmentTeam - 2
- 1
- 2
getBankTransactions() returns 404 when blank tenant id is passed via Custom Connection
#293 opened by stuartclayton - 2
Custom Connection support for API calls
#291 opened by stuartclayton - 0
StackOverflow error thrown on Invoices toString()
#289 opened by jawad-r3 - 2
Xero SDK v0.4.4 through Maven.
#281 opened by tamvu82 - 1