Invoice creation failed because account removed
Opened this issue · 3 comments
Describe the bug
I am using the API to create invoices. The code has been working fine for several months. Today i am getting invoice creation failure because the account of the line item does not match a recognised account. When I make the transaction i get the following error:
54681395 10:37 07/08 XeroInvoiceMaker- line 462, returning invoice=class Invoice {
type: ACCREC
contact: class Contact {
contactID: b7a2de1c-dc58-47f4-ae60-70e1c9aa6c19
mergedToContactID: null
contactNumber: null
accountNumber: null
contactStatus: ACTIVE
name: HJS Plumbing
firstName: Jai
lastName: null
companyNumber: null
skypeUserName: null
contactPersons: []
taxNumber: null
accountsReceivableTaxType: null
accountsPayableTaxType: null
addresses: [class Address {
addressType: STREET
addressLine1: 8 Wilray St
addressLine2: Grovedale
addressLine3: null
addressLine4: null
region: VIC
postalCode: 3216
attentionTo: null
}, class Address {
addressType: POBOX
addressLine1: null
addressLine2: null
addressLine3: null
addressLine4: null
attentionTo: null
phones: [class Phone {
phoneType: DEFAULT
}, class Phone {
phoneType: DDI
}, class Phone {
phoneType: FAX
}, class Phone {
phoneType: MOBILE
isSupplier: false
isCustomer: true
salesDefaultLineAmountType: null
purchasesDefaultLineAmountType: null
defaultCurrency: null
xeroNetworkKey: null
salesDefaultAccountCode: null
purchasesDefaultAccountCode: null
salesTrackingCategories: []
purchasesTrackingCategories: []
trackingCategoryName: null
trackingCategoryOption: null
paymentTerms: null
updatedDateUTC: /Date(1722991076663+0000)/
contactGroups: []
website: null
brandingTheme: null
batchPayments: null
discount: null
balances: null
attachments: []
hasAttachments: false
validationErrors: []
hasValidationErrors: false
statusAttributeString: null
lineItems: [class LineItem {
lineItemID: 0a1e5db1-17a5-4452-bf08-bb129149ea08
description: Mn/Tap/SK
quantity: 1.0
unitAmount: 12.0
itemCode: null
accountCode: null
accountID: null
taxType: OUTPUT
taxAmount: 1.2
lineAmount: 12.0
tracking: []
discountRate: null
discountAmount: null
repeatingInvoiceID: null
}, class LineItem {
lineItemID: a8cd94b4-b009-421b-8f78-21d4b92852c7
description: Freight
quantity: 1.0
unitAmount: 23.0
itemCode: null
accountCode: null
accountID: null
taxType: OUTPUT
taxAmount: 2.3
lineAmount: 23.0
tracking: []
discountRate: null
discountAmount: null
repeatingInvoiceID: null
date: /Date(1722988800000+0000)/
dueDate: /Date(1722988800000+0000)/
lineAmountTypes: Exclusive
invoiceNumber: INV-05702
reference: A6020824
brandingThemeID: aefae6d5-7bbe-4e2e-aadc-302cd07a0fc1
url: null
currencyCode: AUD
currencyRate: 1.0
status: DRAFT
sentToContact: false
expectedPaymentDate: null
plannedPaymentDate: null
ciSDeduction: null
ciSRate: null
subTotal: 35.0
totalTax: 3.5
total: 38.5
totalDiscount: null
invoiceID: 12139299-971a-49f2-b688-a94544f9f64d
repeatingInvoiceID: null
hasAttachments: false
isDiscounted: false
payments: []
prepayments: []
overpayments: []
amountDue: 38.5
amountPaid: 0.0
fullyPaidOnDate: null
amountCredited: null
updatedDateUTC: /Date(1722991077547+0000)/
creditNotes: []
attachments: []
hasErrors: false
statusAttributeString: WARNING
validationErrors: []
warnings: [class ValidationError {
message: Account code '40010-12' has been removed as it does not match a recognised account.
}, class ValidationError {
message: Account code '60410' has been removed as it does not match a recognised account.
the problem is that the accounts exist, i have verified them in Xero via the web, is just the api thinks they do not.
Would love some pointers as to why this is happening
Thanks for raising an issue, a ticket has been created to track your request
I'm not sure that this is an issue with the SDK, please can you raise a case with Xero Support here and include your app's client id and name and we can look into this further for you to confirm whether it is SDK-related or not