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2. What is this package

This is an extension for DSharpPlus to use modals like commands from CommandsNext.

3. Example

3.1 Registration

var modalCommands = _client.UseModalCommands(new ModalCommandsConfiguration()
    Services = _sp

3.2 Creating a modal

var modal = ModalBuilder.Create("food")
    .WithTitle("Super cool modal!")
    .AddComponents(new TextInputComponent("Favorite food", "fav-food", "Pizza, Icecream, etc", max_length: 30))
    .AddComponents(new TextInputComponent("Why?", "why-fav", "Because it tastes good", required: false, style: TextInputStyle.Paragraph));

You can also create a modal in the normal way, but remember to add the Prefix set in ModalCommandsConfiguration ( Default >) with WithCustomId.

3.3 Listen for modal submit

public class FoodModal : ModalCommandModule
    public async Task GetFavFoodAsync(ModalContext ctx, string food, string reason)
        await ctx.Interaction.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.ChannelMessageWithSource,
            new DiscordInteractionResponseBuilder().WithContent($"Your favorite food is: {food}. Reason: {reason}").AsEphemeral());

4. Custom arguments converter

By default, only the following arguments are supported:

  • string
  • bool
  • int
  • uint
  • long
  • ulong
  • float
  • double
  • DiscordUser
  • DiscordMember
  • DiscordRole
  • DiscordChannel

If you want to add more arguments, you can create a new argument converter like so:

    public class IntConverter : IModalArgumentConverter<int>
        // This method will convert the string to an int.
        public Task<Optional<int>> ConvertAsync(string value, ModalContext ctx)
            return Task.FromResult(int.TryParse(value, out var res) ? Optional.FromValue(res) : Optional.FromNoValue<int>());

        // This method will convert the int to a string.
        public string ConvertToString(int value) => value.ToString();

After writing your argument converter, you can register it in your ModalCommandsExtension like so:

buttonCommands.RegisterConverter(new ShortConverter());

5. Credits

I stole nearly all of this from Kuylars DSharpPlus.ButtonCommands extension

And because of this: If something doesn't work, blame Kuylar. I'm a lazy person :P