
Simple Flask blog application which allows users to follow other users and view their posts. The app also has language translations to cater for a wide range of users.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Simple Flask blog application which allows users to follow other users and view their posts. The app also has language translations to cater for a wide range of users.

Technologies/Tools used & needed.

  • Python - A programming language.

  • Flask - A microframework for Python.

  • Virtualenv - A tool to create isolated virtual environments

  • SQLITE - Small, fast, self-contained, high-reliability, full-featured, SQL DB.

  • Vagrant - Development Environments Made Easy.

  • Docker / Docker-compose - set of platform as a service products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers.

Table of contents

Installation or Deployment

Local machine

  • NB

    • Run the following commands on your terminal.
    • This commands are per a linux based OS.
  • Clone or download repo

    git clone https://github.com/Xerrex/ak-Blog.git
  • Create virtual environment

    virtualenv -p python3 venv
  • Environment variables.

    • Copy .env file

      cp .env.examples .env
    • Edit the following lines on .env file.

      • Replace your- with your actual value.

        • export SECRET_KEY="your-secret-key"
        • export DATABASE_URL=""
        • export MS_TRANSLATOR_KEY="paste-your-key-here"
        • export ADMINS=["admin-email2","admin-email2"]
        • export MAIL_SERVER=smtp.googlemail.com
        • export MAIL_PORT=587
        • export MAIL_USE_TLS=1
        • export MAIL_USERNAME=your-gmail-username
        • export MAIL_PASSWORD=your-gmail-password
        • export REDIS_URL="your-ip-address:your-port"
      • To change Enviroment add

        • export FLASK_DEBUG=1
      • Activate virtual environment & export variables.

        • source .env
      • Install Dependancies now with virtual environment active.

        • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Apply Database migrations

    • flask db upgrade
  • Run the app

    • flask run


  • NB

    • Pull individual docker images first for easier building, otherwise its not necessary
  • Create environment variable files for mysql and app files

    • touch .envapp .envsql
  • Add/edit the following in the files

    • .envsql

    • .envapp

      FLASK_CONFIG=development #optional
      MS_TRANSLATOR_KEY=your-ms key
      FLASK_DEBUG=1 #optional
      MAIL_USERNAME=your-gmail-username #optional
      MAIL_PASSWORD=your-gmail-password #optional
      • remove optional lines if not using.
      • your-db-pass is same as the one defined in .envsql
  • Build/Run images

    • Build

      • build images with the command:

        docker-compose build
    • Run

      • run the built images with:

        docker-compose up


  • Access the app by going to the address with your browser

  • To view database changes

    • Uncomment the adminer part of the docker-compose.yml file
    # adminer:
    #     image: adminer:latest
    #     container_name: adminer
    #     restart: always
    #     ports:
    #         - 8080:8080
    • head over to this address with your browser.

    • Use the same login credentials as defined in .envsql

Additional Information

App contains additional commands to help with language translations

  • flask translate init LANG to add a new language. LANG is the new language
  • flask translate update to update all language repositories.
  • flask translate compile to compile all language repositories.
  • vagrant up to create a virtual machine.