A script to run (ideally just after starting up a new server/vps) to automatically setup bitcoind and have it start on boot. It is not intended you use the same machine for anything other than as a node.
- a-x
- aaronky
- arowser
- asaaki@markentier
- aussiehash
- bjoervikNorway
- blob42Independent Consultant
- BlueBlock
- bobberb
- christopherdebeerEdinburgh, UK
- ConceptPending
- CyberDexter@BlockVision
- dangerousbeansNew Zealand
- dutchn0madGibraltar
- eins78@quatico-solutions
- faustocarreraHexacta
- geopaymeValamontes Science Foundation
- greg121Germany
- jonathancrossPGP: C0C076132FFA7695
- jspri3Annexa
- jyspermEx @leancloud
- longwosionBeijing
- martindale@FabricLabs
- MBSystems
- MBuffenoirNomad
- nighthawk24Nighthawk Apps
- orafaelfragoso@workbits
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- super3Storj Labs Inc.
- tahamin26@techy-digital
- telemakhosLondon, UK
- therob3000
- xiaojay
- y12studio@dltdojo
- zcshinerUSA