
Pirate Metrics for Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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 Pirate Metrics for Node.js

A simple API for pushing events to Pirate Metrics.

Getting Started

Install the module:

npm install blackbeard

Use it in your script, set your API key:

var bb = require('blackbeard');
bb.key = 'PMKey';


Make an AARRR call:

bb.acquisition('pirate@example.com', function(err, res) {
  // Handle stuff...

Maybe you want to do a few at once:

var pirates = [
  {email : 'jacksparrow@example.com'},
  {email : 'barbossa@example.com'}
  {email : 'davyjones@example.com'}

bb.acquisitions(pirates, function(err, res) {
 // Handle stuff...


Each of the five AARRR events is represented, along with sister functions for bulk events. The email and occurred_at properties should always be strings.

Any invalid optional params will be striped before pushing the event. For example, if level is passed to acquisition as a string, it will be omitted from the event because it is expected to be a number.

All callbacks take two arguments: error and response.

callback(error, response) { ... }

If there is an error, response will be null.


  • acquisition(email[,level][,occurred_at], callback) - level should always be a number.

  • acquisitions(data, callback) - data is an array of acquisition objects {email:""[,level:0][,occurred_at:""]}.

  • activation(email[,occurred_at], callback)

  • activations(data, callback) - data is an array of activation objects {email:""[,occurred_at:""]}.

  • retention(email[,occurred_at], callback)

  • retentions(data, callback) - data is an array of retention objects {email:""[,occurred_at:""]}.

  • referral(customer_email, referree_email[,occurred_at], callback) - referree_email is the customer gained and customer_email is the email who referred them. Both should always be strings.

  • referrals(data, callback) - data is an array of referral objects {customer_email:"",referree_email:""[,occurred_at:""]}.

  • revenue(email, amount_in_cents[,occurred_at], callback) - amount_in_cents should always be a number.

  • revenues(data, callback) - data is an array of referral objects {customer_email:"",amount_in_cents:0[,occurred_at:""]}.