Laravel Migrations Generator: Automatically generate your migrations from an existing database schema.
- 6
Tinyint wrong conversion to boolean
#174 opened by JoaoPortella - 3
Undefined property: stdClass::$column_name
#203 opened by acushlakoncept - 1
Not Working with Old database enum values
#197 opened by rsyscraft - 5
Command "migrate:generate" is not defined
#162 opened by FMaynard - 1
Support for postgres
#206 opened by HoangBee102 - 1
not working on laravel 9 what we should do now
#208 opened by tauseedzaman - 2
Partial indices are not generated correctly
#165 opened by mfn - 1
Error: Class 'Config' not found
#164 opened by mfn - 1
Is that will be available for Laravel 8?
#207 opened by dilarakanalici - 1
'migrations' table was not updated
#202 opened by dordana - 1
Support for Postgresql hstore.
#189 opened by pc-magas - 2
Migrations generator working with Laravel 7.11
#204 opened by jeurrutia - 1
Installation via composer require --dev "xethron/migrations-generator" failing
#195 opened by djunehor - 27
Laravel 6.0 Compatibility
#191 opened by nasatome - 8
Is this project still being maintained?
#178 opened by bkuhl - 2
Laravel 7 support
#200 opened by dansleboby - 1
Not working for Laravel 5.8
#201 opened by mohsenuss91 - 5
Unknown database type "point" requested
#152 opened by aconital - 7
- 1
Feature Request? !Schema::hasTable
#183 opened by theWebKeyGuy - 4
Support for Stored Procedure
#150 opened by bloodyburger - 1
PSR-0 problem in laravel-4-generators: Class names and file locations do not match
#198 opened by cweiske - 2
Namespace accident
#194 opened by AdnanHussainTurki - 2
Support option of --ignore-created-migration
#193 opened by LeeWeiZhang - 1
How to generate migrations for Oracle
#188 opened by coolSumanta - 3
No mysql spatial support in migration?
#156 opened by hanc2006 - 1
laravel5.8 There are more Warning
#187 opened by anyAdmin - 3
JSON Column Converting to Text
#173 opened by arelidev - 1
How to use the templatePath option
#167 opened by claudsonm - 0
ignore fields after created_at
#186 opened by nasservb - 1
Sets increment primary keys as integer
#161 opened by gerardbalaoro - 1
->increment() not generated AUTO_INCREMENT
#185 opened by erlangparasu - 6
Laravel 5.7
#181 opened by osc2nuke - 1
file_put_contents(C:\Users\kadhem\Documents\DBMigrations\migrationDb\database/migrations/*.php): failed to open stream
#182 opened by hadrumkadhemkilani - 0
How to use it for mongodb collections?
#180 opened by PragnaBrahmbhatt - 1
Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException : Unknown database type geography requested, Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\SQLServer2012Platform may not support it.
#175 opened by rthomas023 - 2
#176 opened by niccolofavari - 0
Support for triggers
#177 opened by jjdejong - 0
- 3
What happens when structure of the table Changes?
#163 opened by lohiloki - 0
missing 'use' operator for Schema
#171 opened by FabrizioReitano - 2
Support virtual/stored fields
#159 opened by octavianparalescu - 0
- 2
Laravel 5.5 Schema
#153 opened by dmfnft - 1
Table exists error when running on multiple db
#157 opened by omarjebari - 0
index type specific Unique error
#158 opened by alvin-tago - 1
Error executing
#154 opened by Mate38 - 4
Compatibility to Laravel 5.5
#146 opened by bandeh - 0
Default [Y/n] question value not used
#151 opened by cweiske - 1
Don't install laravel 5.5.14
#149 opened by viandanteoscuro