
Cucumber Dashboard

Primary LanguageRuby

Revitalizing this old project.

Cucumber Dashboard


To create an API and Dashboard for serving / recording test run information and displaying it in a useful manor.

Data Objects


Represents the individual tests inside of a feature file.

Field Name Field Description
Feature Name Name of the containing feature.
File Name Name of the file.
Id Entity Id
Name Name of the Scenario.
Relative Path Path to the feature file relative to the features/ dir.
Step Count Number of steps in the scenario.
Tags The matching tags for this scenario.


Holds the information about an execution of a scenario.

Filed Name Field Description
Build Name Name of the build project (on your build server) that executed the test.
Build Id Unique id of the build that ran this scenario.
Build Url Full url to the build.
Duration Time it took to execute the run, in seconds.
End Time Time stamp of when the scenario finished.
Error File Name Full path the file where the error originated from.
Error Type Ruby class that threw the error.
Error Line Number Line number the error came from.
Error Message The error's message contents.
Error Stack Trace Stack Trace for the error.
Id Entity Id
Scenario Id Id of the scenario.
Start Time Time stamp of when the scenario started.
Status Id of the status.
State Name Name of the status.

API Functionality

Request Type Route Description
GET / 200 Landing Page
GET /runs Collection of scenario executions.
POST /runs Creates a new run.
GET /runs/{id} Detail record of a specific run.
PUT /runs/{id} Updates a run record's information.
GET /scenarios Collection of scenarios.
POST /scenarios Create a scenario.
GET /scenarios/{id} Detail record of a specific scenario.
PUT /scenarios/{id} Update scenario details.
DELETE /scenarios/{id} Archives the scenario.

Utilized Technologies

My hopes is that this will be simple enough that could share around or act as an example for those considering ways of solving similar problems.

###Work In Progress