
A simple class that provide some functions to manipulate arrays.

Primary LanguagePHP


A simple class that provide some functions to manipulate arrays.

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  • Arrayor::camelizeIndex($array, $delimiter = '_')
    • Camelize all index keys in the first level.
$array = [
    'Index key' => 1,
    'key_index' => 2

$result = Arrayor::camelizeIndex($array);

$result = [
    'indexKey' => 1,
    'keyIndex' => 2
  • Arrayor::implodeRecursive($array = [], $glue = ' : ', $separator = ' | ')
    • Implode an array into a string by both key and value.
$array = [
    'key-index' => 1,
    'key index' => 'value'

$string = Arrayor::implodeRecursive($array);

$string = 'key-index : 1 | key index : value';


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