
Elements C++ GUI library

Primary LanguageC++

Elements-Logo Elements C++ GUI library

Update: Renamed the library to avoid the name Clash with QNX Photon.

Still a work in progress, but now I got Windows and Linux ports going in the develop branch.

No docs, still, apart from build instructions for MacOS, but examples provided should be instructive. For now, here's a brief introduction: Elements C++ GUI library

Nevertheless, I value meaningful discussions, and I am very open to collaboration. I invite you to join our mailing list so we can discuss plans, and ongoing developments. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/cycfi-discuss/join

alt Photon Sampler

Setup and Installation

The Elements C++ GUI library is cross-platform, but ports for other platforms are still in flux. In the Mac, we support both XCode and CLion IDEs. Get the latest version with a C++17 compiler.

Follow the Setup and Installation guide to get started using the library.

The library is Open Source and released under the very liberal MIT license.