
XSS in angular-ui-notification


Vulnerability Explanation

All versions in angular-ui-notification are vulnerable to XSS due to the library not sanitizing the input provided by the user.

In order to safely use this library, sanitizing / encoding the parameters passed to this library is highly recommended, such as the following:

private sanitizeHTML(str: string) {
    return str.replace(/[^\w. ]/gi, (c) => `&#${c.charCodeAt(0)};`);


Say the library has already been imported and is currently being used by a project. The usage of this library could look like the following:

private showNotification(message: string, delay: number, type: NotificationType) {
    replaceMessage: true

If frontend was to pass any user input directly to the message parameter, any <script> tag would be enough to perform an XSS attack.

A simple <script>alert(1)</script> would be enough.

Tested on

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Final notes

The project does not seem to be maintained anymore, so I highly suggest using maintanted alternatives.