
Helper utility to provide pretty printed file sizes

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


Helper utility to provide pretty printed file sizes (best used for logging or CLI output)

Build Status

Build Status codecov


npm install prettysize
const pretty = require('prettysize');

let str = pretty(1024);
  //str = "1 kB"

    str = pretty(1024 * 1024);
  //str = "1 MB"

    str = pretty(123456789);
  //str = "117.7 MB"

It supports the following sizes:

  • bytes
  • kB
  • MB
  • GB
  • TB
  • PB
  • EB


pretty(123456, true, true, 2);


First arg is size
Second argument is to remove the space from the output
Third argument is to use a single character for the size.
Forth argument is the number of decimal places to return, default is 1.
Fith argument is to return a converted number without the size string.

let str = pretty(1024 * 1024, true);
  //str = "1MB"

    str = pretty(123456789, {nospace: true}) // pretty(123456789, true, true);
  //str = "117.7M"

    str = pretty(123456789, {one: true}) // pretty(123456789, false, true);
  //str = "117.7 M"

    str = pretty(123456789, {one: true, places: 2}) // pretty(123456789, false, true, 2);
  //str = "117.74 M"

   str = pretty(123456789, {one: true, places: 3}) // pretty(123456789, false, true, 3);
 //str = "117.738 M"

   str = pretty(123456789, {numOnly: true}) // pretty(123456789, false, false, false, true);
 //num = 117.7