
An example of universal-redux npm package with JWT authentication

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is a minimal example of how to use the Universal Redux npm package with express-jwt-proxy to provide JWT authentication with an external API. It is intended to be modular; you can replace either the auth server or API server with the implementation of your choice.

An example is deployed to Heroku.


  • node.JS 4 or higher
  • npm 2 or higher
  • Redis


The following steps will set up your local environment.

Install nvm

Installing Node via nvm is recommended. Install nvm (Node Version Manager) via the nvm install script.

Install node, npm

Use nvm to install the version of node.js. Your package manager, npm, is included with the node installation.

nvm install 5.2.0

Install Redis

Redis is used to store authentication tokens. You'll need to install and have this running when developing locally.

brew install redis

Install Project Dependencies

Use npm to install all project dependencies listed in package.json.

npm install


Configure Environment Variables

cp .env.example .env

Currently you do not need to add any specific variables to .env but you may wish to add or modify them when developing against other targets.

Start the Redis server

Authentication by default uses Redis to manage its session store. This script will start it up if you haven't already.


Start the dev, auth, and API servers

npm run dev