
Section Break Down

Section 2 - 4 use the same starter code, but we add more codes to accomplish more advanced features.

Section 2 covers simple types of solidity. Since it is a small file, I didn't use folder.

Section 3 covers import, export and inheritances.

section 4 covers more advanced solidity. E.g. reserved function names in solidity like recieve, fallback, etc.

section 5 moves from remix to local development, including the following:

  • solc
  • ethers.js
  • hardhat
  • ganache

section 6 we will use hardhat.

Hardhat really helps with simplifying things.

...more to learn

Optionally for prettier setting:

  • we can use prettier and prettier-plugin-solidity to enforce the format of codebase with other developers.
  • Also add a .prettierrc file for specifying the format

There are some untracked old learnings, which include the inbox, lottery and lottery-react folder.