Welcome to Mseg v0.9.5 Mseg is a generic region-based multi-scale image segmentation algorithm designed with some optimizations for remote sensing imagery. The algorithm can be used as a low level processing part of an free object-oriented image analysis system. Mseg is Free Software licenced under the GPLv2. Installation: 1. Dependencies: CMake, FreeImage, TinyXML 2. Run cmake configuration: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING="Release" \ #or "Debug" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr \ -DLIB_SUFFIX="64" #use in case of 64bit OS 3. Compile the sources: make 4. Install: make install For problems / suggestions / bugs etc please contact Angelos Tzotsos (tzotsos@gmail.com)
Mseg is a generic region-based multi-scale image segmentation algorithm designed with some optimizations for remote sensing imagery. The algorithm can be used as a low level processing part of an object-oriented image analysis system.