
general traffic light agent

Primary LanguagePython

General traffic signal Control Agent - Observations, Actions and Rewards


The default observation for each traffic signal agent is a vector:

    obs = [phase_one_hot, min_green, lane_1_density, ..., lane_n_density, lane_1_queue, ..., lane_n_queue]
  • phase_one_hot is a one-hot encoded vector indicating the current active green phase
  • min_green is a binary variable indicating whether min_green seconds have already passed in the current phase
  • lane_i_density is the number of vehicles in incoming lane i dividided by the total capacity of the lane
  • lane_i_queueis the number of queued (speed below 0.1 m/s) vehicles in incoming lane i divided by the total capacity of the lane

You can define your own observation by implementing a class that inherits from ObservationFunction and passing it to the environment constructor.

Below are the predefined observation functions.

    [r_turn_veh, s_turn_veh, l_turn_veh]

To achieve a generalized state representation, the state for each incoming road is composed of three elements. For roads with multiple lanes dedicated to left-turn, straight, or right-turn, the state of that specific lane is determined by the maximum number of vehicles present on it.

In observations.py, we provide three general observation functions with different lane sorting order:





The action space is discrete. Every 'delta_time' seconds, each traffic signal agent can choose the next green phase configuration.

For the general traffic light control agent, the action space is set to |A| = 8 standard discrete actions. In different scenarios, some of these 8 actions may not be executable or may have different meanings.

E.g.1: In the standard 4-way single intersection there are 8 legal discrete actions, corresponding to the following green phase configurations:

E.g.2: In the standard 3-way single intersection among 8 discrete actions, only 3 of them are legal, corresponding to the following green phase configurations: Note that the phase 7 and phase 8 are of different meaning while still remain as similar as possible to the original standard phase.

E.g.3: In a 2-way single intersection, among 8 discrete actions, 6 of them are illegal and being masked during action selection, corresponding phase configurations is shown as:

Important: every time a phase change occurs, the next phase is preeceded by a yellow phase lasting yellow_time seconds.

Green Phase Customization

You can customize green phase in traffic_signal.py:

0 1 3 3 2 3 3 3
3 3 0 1 3 2 3 3
0 1 3 3 3 3 2 3
3 3 0 1 3 3 3 2

Phase Key of a Single Road:

  • 0: Left turn
  • 1: Straight way
  • 2: Left turn & straight way phase
  • 3: Stop phase

Each row in the table represents the phase settings for one of the four incoming roads. A single line depicts the entire phase for a traffic light signal (TLS).

Action Mask Customization

You can customize action masks in observation_space method at observations.py like:

action_mask[0:4] = 0


The default reward function is the change in cumulative vehicle delay:

That is, the reward is how much the total delay (sum of the waiting times of all approaching vehicles) changed in relation to the previous time-step.

You can choose a different reward function (see the ones implemented in TrafficSignal) with the parameter reward_fn in the SumoEnvironment constructor.

It is also possible to implement your own reward function:

def my_reward_fn(traffic_signal):
    return traffic_signal.get_average_speed()

env = SumoEnvironment(..., reward_fn=my_reward_fn)