GLM (General Language Model)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


GLM is a General Language Model pretrained with an autoregressive blank-filling objective and can be finetuned on various natural language understanding and generation tasks.

Please refer to our paper for a detailed description of GLM:

All NLP Tasks Are Generation Tasks: A General Pretraining Framework

Zhengxiao Du*, Yujie Qian*, Xiao Liu, Ming Ding, Jiezhong Qiu, Zhilin Yang, Jie Tang (*: equal contribution)

Part of the code is based on Megatron-LM and PET.

Pretrained Models

You can download the pretrained models used in the paper here.

Name Params File Config
GLM-Base 110M glm-base-blank.tar.bz2 model_blocklm_base.sh
GLM-Large 335M glm-large-blank.tar.bz2 model_blocklm_large.sh
GLM-Large (multi-task) 335M glm-large-generation.tar.bz2 model_blocklm_large_generation.sh
GLM-410M (multi-task) 410M glm-1.25-generation.tar.bz2 model_blocklm_1.25_generation.sh
GLM-515M (multi-task) 515M glm-1.5-generation.tar.bz2 model_blocklm_1.5_generation.sh
GLM-RoBERTa 335M glm-roberta-large-blank.tar.bz2 model_blocklm_roberta_large.sh
GLM-XXLarge 10B apply here model_blocklm_10B.sh


dev set, single model, single-task finetuning

GLM-XXLarge 98.0 95.2 93.1 75.7 98.7/98.2 88.1/63.3 88.7 94.4/94.0
RoBERTa-Large 94.0 91.3 86.6 75.6 98.2/- 85.7/- 86.9 89.5/89.0
DeBERTa-XXLarge-v2 97.0 - 93.5 - - 87.8/63.6 88.3 94.1/93.7


CNN/Daily Mail (test set, no additional data used)

GLM-XXLarge 44.7 21.4 41.4
T5-11B 43.5 21.6 40.7
PEGASUS-Large 44.2 21.5 41.4
BART-Large 44.2 21.3 40.9

XSum (test set, no additional data used)

GLM-XXLarge 48.9 25.7 40.4
PEGASUS-Large 47.2 24.6 39.3
BART-Large 45.1 22.3 37.3

Language Modeling

test set, zero-shot

Model LAMBADA (accuracy) Wikitext103 (perplexity)
GLM-XXLarge (bi) 72.35 11.33
GLM-XXLarge (uni) 67.18 12.22
GPT-2 52.66 17.48
Megatron-LM (8.3B) 66.51 10.81
Turing-NLG 67.98 10.21

Get Started

Docker Image

We prepare two docker images based on CUDA 10.2 and CUDA 11.2. You can pull the pre-built images from Docker Hub and run with docker v19.03+

docker run --gpus all --rm -it --ipc=host zxdu20/glm-cuda102

or replace glm-cuda102 with glm-cuda112.

You can also modify the image according to your requirements in docker/cuda102.dockerfile and build the image yourself

  docker build -f cuda102.dockerfile . -t glm-cuda102

Manual Installation

Please first install PyTorch (we use 1.7.0) and apex, and then install other dependencies by pip install -r requirements.txt

Clone this repo

git clone https://github.com/THUDM/GLM
cd GLM


We provide scripts for finetuning GLM on some downstream tasks.


  • Download the SuperGlue data and check the experiment setup in scripts/ds_finetune_superglue.sh. Note that DATA_ROOT, CHECKPOINT_PATH, SAVE_PATH need to be changed to your local path. You may also change the batch-size and nproc_per_node according to your available hardware.

  • Run the following script (use the COPA dataset as an example)

bash scripts/ds_finetune_superglue.sh \
     config_tasks/model_blocklm_10B.sh \
  • We also implement P-Tuning in our code. Run the following script to integrate p-tuning:
bash scripts/ds_finetune_superglue_prompt.sh \
     config_tasks/model_blocklm_10B.sh \

Text Summarization

  • Download the Gigaword, CNN/Daily Mail or XSum dataset and check the experiment setup in scripts/ds_finetune_seq2seq.sh. Change DATA_ROOT, CHECKPOINT_PATH, SAVE_PATH to your local path.

  • Run the following script (use the CNN/Daily Mail dataset as an example)

    bash scripts/ds_finetune_seq2seq.sh \ 
       config_tasks/model_blocklm_10B.sh \ 
  • The summaries are written into ./runs/experiment_name/test.jsonl.hyps. The references are written into test.jsonl.refs in the same directory. For calculating rouge, install file2rouge and download Stanford CoreNLP from here. Run the following script

    bash scripts/evaluate_seq2seq.sh \
     ./runs/experiment_name/test.jsonl.hyps ./runs/experiment_name/test.jsonl.refs

Language Modeling

LAMBADA Cloze Accuracy

bash scripts/evaluate_lm.sh \ 
     config_tasks/model_blocklm_large_generation.sh \

LM Perplexity

Blank Language Model

  • Download the Yahoo dataset and check the experiment setup in scripts/finetune_blank.sh. Change DATA_ROOT, CHECKPOINT_PATH, SAVE_PATH to your local path.

  • Run the following script

bash scripts/finetune_blank.sh \ 
     config_tasks/model_blocklm_large.sh \ 

Blank Filling (Interactive)

  • Change CHECKPOINT_PATH to your local path. Run the following script
bash scripts/generate_block.sh \


Context: Ng is an adjunct professor at [MASK] (formerly associate professor and Director of its Stanford AI Lab or SAIL ). Also a pioneer in online education, Ng co-founded Coursera and deeplearning.ai.

GLM: [CLS] ng is an adjunct professor at [MASK] ( formerly associate professor and director of its stanford ai lab or sail ) . also a pioneer in online education , ng co - founded coursera and deeplearning . ai . [PAD] <|startofpiece|> the stanford university


Run the following script to pre-train the GLM-Large model

bash scripts/ds_pretrain_nvidia.sh config/ds_block_large.sh

The script scripts/ds_pretrain_nvidia.sh launches the training program with DeepSpeed. You should change NUM_WORKERS and NUM_GPUS_PER_WORKER to the number of workers and the number of gpus per worker. Also change HOST_FILE_PATH to the path to an OpenMPI-style hostfile. More details about DeepSpeed launcher can be found here.

The file config/ds_block_large.sh defines the hyperparameters for pretraining. Most of the arguments are fairly self-explanatory. Specifically, --train-data can be multiple keywords defined in NAMED_CORPORA in data_utils/corpora.py. The hyperparameters of the optimizer are defined in the corresponding json file under config. The semantics of the json file can be found here.


Please cite our paper if you find this code useful for your research:

  author    = {Zhengxiao Du and
               Yujie Qian and
               Xiao Liu and
               Ming Ding and
               Jiezhong Qiu and
               Zhilin Yang and
               Jie Tang},
  title     = {All {NLP} Tasks Are Generation Tasks: {A} General Pretraining Framework},
  journal   = {CoRR},
  volume    = {abs/2103.10360},
  year      = {2021},
  url       = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.10360}