
Serve shufaSite locally with an application-like UI.

This project aims to serve the site with robusty and ability to be backed up. The users (typically teachers) should be able to get a copy of the site and use it locally.

How to run

Replace the symbolic link ./mainApp/site/ with a directory containing the site.

This site depends on modern browsers. Please install Chrome, Chromium, Edge, Brave, Vivaldi, Firefox, Librewolf or WaterFox on your computer.

This site depends on NodeJS. Install them as follows:



  1. Create a folder called nodeWindows in the root directory of this repo.
  2. Download and unzip the 32-bit Windows Binary (.zip) NodeJS here. Now you should have node, npm.cmd, npx.cmd, etc. in your nodeWindows directory.
  3. Run run.bat by clicking twice on it.



  1. Create a folder called nodeLinux in the root directory of this repo.
  2. Download and decompress the Linux Binary (x64) NodeJS here. Now you should have bin/, include/, lib/, share/, etc. in your nodeWindows directory.
  3. Run