Paper Daily

Paper Daily is a simple tool to get what interest you from arxiv based on categories, key words in title/abstract and authors. You can write your configuration in directory configs/(config.json is an example) and run the flask application(python -m flask --app run) to get the result.

A simple example


    "categories": ["cs.AI"],
    "keywd_in_title": ["Diffusion", "Transformer", "CNN"],
    "keywd_in_abstract": ["GAN"],
    "author": ["David"]

This configuration means you are interested in papers of cs.AI with keyword "Diffusion", "Transformer" or "CNN" in the title, or "GAN" in the abstract, or the author is David.

Under the directory of this project, run python -m flask --app run to start a flask server. Available url formats are as follows:

  1. /cs/?date=2023-09-21&categories=cs.AI&keywd_in_title=Diffusion,Transformer,CNN: list papers published/updated in 2023-09-21 of cs.AI with "Diffusion", "Transformer" or "CNN" in the title.

Pattern: /<primary_set>/?date=%Y-%m-%d&categories=<c1>,...,<cn>&keywd_in_title=<kt1>,...,<ktm>&keywd_in_abstract=<ka1>,...,<kap>&authors=<a1>,...,<ar>.

  1. /config/<config_name>/yesterday or /config/<config_name>/1: list papers published/updated in cs primary category yesterday that satisfy the constraints specified by configs/<config_name>.json.

Patter: /config/<config_name>/<number>: list papers <number> days ago according to configuration <config_name>.json.

Available primary set: see ArxivAsset.primary_set in

Available categories: see ArxivAsset.categories_set in


  • More fancy/useful website
    • search inputbox
    • keyword highlight
    • link to arxiv
  • More intelligent
    • sort papers according to the configuration
    • filter by semantic rather than simple phrase-matching